*Chapter Three*

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Dylan is out of jail, he called last night and we talked for almost two hours. I had completely forgotten about how mad I was at him. On the third day of talking to him late at night, I told him that I loved him and wanted the family we had always talked about.

It has been four days since Dylan has been out of jail; he is supposed to be setting up for the carnival in Revere. I have every urge in my body to just go down there and visit everyone and surprise Dylan with a visit from his son. But I am so hell-bent on continuing with what I'm doing.

As the days went by, I was feeling more and unsure of what I had with Jake. Our life was literally perfect. I wanted to marry him, be a blended family with our children. He made me happy, feel safe, he built me up instead of tearing me down. He is one hundred times the man Dylan is; he supported me in the worse time of my life.

Now, that I look back on this time in my life, I wonder what would have happened with Jake; I wanted so much to stay in love with him. I was too blind to see that Jake was clearly the right choice for me that I allowed my then relationship and now marriage fall through the cracks. I was thinking about Dylan at least 10 hours a day and the other 10 hours, I wanted to think about him.


It was Jake and I's one-year anniversary and we wanted to spend it with our children as a family so we decided to take to kids to Storyland  on his week with the girls, and on my week with Jason. I haven't been there since I was a little girl. Leena and Ashlianna went on the rides with Jason, Ayla was too scared to go on any of the rides, but she and Jason loved Cinderella's castle. While the kids were running around, taking turns in the red, velvet throne chair, Jake took Holly's hand and smiled as he looked into her brown eyes.

"Holly, we've been together for a year and I couldn't ask for anyone better to share the rest of my life with..." Jake began as she took out a black box out of his back pocket and kneeled down to his right knee. Holly pressed her lips together as she braced herself for the best moment of her life. "Holly Nicolette Evans, Will you do me and our children the honor of becoming Mrs. Jake Mikaelson?" He finished as he opened the tiny box containing the beautifully princess cut white diamond ring, and  tears beginning to her eyes, she took his hand and pulled him up back to his feet, "Yes, I will marry you!" She answered him with a bright smile before kissing his perfect lips. Even  the children were excited when we told them.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 15, 2018 ⏰

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