Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

The girls have spent the last two nights with their father. We have had a great time, Today they return to their mother's home. The last couple of days have been very laid back, watching movies, playing Uno (I have no idea Marshall was such a competitive guy about his Uno), and just hanging around.

I have internal arguments with myself over why I thought this would not be a good idea or would turn out to be a disaster. To see Marshall and his relationship with his daughters is truly heartwarming. They will often tease each other yet also be very loving and affectionate.

"Lilly when you go back to New York can we call or text you?" Hailie suddenly asked. I am taken a bit by surprise. Not because I wouldn't want to talk with them, just for the fact that they actually would want to talk to me.

"Sure, I would be honored" I smile. "Let me put my number in your phone" Hailie hands me her phone, followed by Alania.

"Do you Skype" Lanie then asked.

"I never really had anyone to Skype but I am up for it" I laugh.

"What is Skype?" Marshall turned his head from the TV and asked.

"It is like webcam or video chat, you can see who you are talking to" Hailie answers.

"Really?" Marshall seemed very interested all of sudden.

"Yeah Unc, you should put it on your phone or laptop that way you can talk to Lilly and see her at the same time when she goes home"

Marshall hands Lanie his phone, "Set me up then" The girls and I start to laugh.

"I will make sure it is on your laptop to Dad" Hailie laughs.

Before long there is a knock on the door, Whit runs to open it and soon I hear her yell out "Mommy!" It is Kim, the anxiety in my stomach rises, we had not even mentioned Kim and her reaction to my being here.

"Hi girls did you enjoy your visit with your dad?" she asked as she came into view.

"Yes, it was a great Thanksgiving" Lanie smiled as she stood up to gather her things.

"Marshall, how are you?" Kim turns to Marshall who stood to greet her.

"Great Kim, how about you? How was your family?" he asked her. She then notices me sitting down beside where Marshall was sitting. "Kim" Marshall reaches for my hand motioning for me to stand up. "This is my girlfriend Lilly, remember I mentioned her being here this weekend"

Kim gives me the once-over. "Yes, nice to meet you Lilly" she gives me a small tense smile. "I hope you have enjoyed your weekend"

"Yes very much so, your and Marshall's daughters are such sweethearts" I smile.

"Yes, they are" the same tense smile. "Girls are you ready?" she then yells up the stairs and all three girls run down.

"Bye Dad" Hailie gives her dad a hug, "Bye Lilly" she then also gives me hug. Same with Alaina and Whitney, I look over at Kim and what smile she had is now gone.

"It was very nice spending the last few days with you girls," I say to them all.

"We will be calling and texting you," Lanie says as she walks out the door. "Take care".

"Love you guys" Marshall calls behind them.

"Love you too Dad," They all say in unison. The door closes. Marshall sits back down on the couch and pulls me into his lap. I giggle.

"What are you doing Mr. Mathers?" I smile at him.

"Just wanted to hold you a bit, now that I can without an audience" he smirks.

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