Chapter 1: Monster...

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Bendy's pov.

"Boris the ink will clean itself up in a little while" I told Boris . "I don't care Bendy" he told me. Ink started to cover my face.

Cuphead's pov.

I started walking past Bendy's room and heard Bendy saying Boris it will clean itself. I looked into Bendy's room and saw this weird creature sitting on Bendy's bed."Boris look out it's a monster!"

Boris's pov.

"Cuphead could I talk to you outside,...NOW!" We walked outside the bedroom door."Cuphead what the Hell?" Cup looked at me and said "What
Boris? That's a monster!" I told him that was Bendy. He didn't believe me.

Bendy's pov.

I started crying. "He hates me. I hate me. I'm just a burden" I looked for a way out this building."Bingo" I found a way out the building by jumping out the window. This is the only way out.

Nobody's pov.

Bendy jumped out the window and started running away from the house. Bendy ran and ran until he heard a plead for help. He ran to the person who was crying.

Bendy's pov.

"Are you okay?" I asked. The little girl replied "No I lost my mommy". "Who's your mom?" I asked nicely. "Ember" she told me. "And is your father Ash?" I asked her. "Yes" she said to me. "Oh I know them. Ember took care of me when I was little" I told the girl. Before I knew it I picked up the girl and went to Ember's castle in Hell and gave Ember her daughter."Ember I believe this is your daughter" I told her. She was thrilled to see her daughter.

Ember's pov.
"How??" I asked him. Bendy told me that it was chance. My daughter Emerald said, "Thats not true you were running away and crying when you found me". I asked Bendy why he would lie to me and all he said was because I would tell Boris.

Nobody's pov.

Bendy started to tear up. Ember offered Bendy to stay, but Bendy turned down the offer. Bendy asked Ember to not tell Boris where he was because he was getting a present for Boris. Ember told Bendy ok. Bendy then disappeared into a puddle of ink. Emerald knew what to do. She ran to her playroom and found a emergency phone and called Boris.

Emerald's pov.

"Boris! Bendy was here" I told him. Boris asked who is this and I told him it's Ember and Ash's daughter and that Bendy was at the castle.

Nobody's pov.

Ember walked to the playroom and took away the phone from her daughter. Ember told Boris that Bendy wasn't here. She lied! Boris didn't know if he had to believe Ember or Emerald. He took Ember's word and didn't believe Emerald but he felt like something was wrong. Knowing this Emerald flew to the overworld on the search for Boris.

Emerald's pov.

"I have to find Boris before my mom finds me or Bendy gets away" I said out loud.

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