Chapter 12- The Ending I Will Always Remember

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Gatsby looked very nervous. I hadn't seen him like this since the day he first met Daisy at my house.

He finally spoke.

"You see old sport, a lot has happened since I left, as did you. It took me a while to find you, and I am deeply sorry for running off like that. I recall the last time you saw me wasnt in a good position huh old sport? You see, after they took Daisy, or so I thought, away, I had been lost. I was so angered, and I left to get my love back. I had gotten to the police station a few cars behind the cops, and lost , my temper. I had tried to get Daisy back, but they didnt let me in. So, I left. I got out of Long Island and went back to Louisville to see if I could find anything that would help me with get Daisy back. One night, I ran into, well, Daisy."

The shock on my face was so clear as Gatsby chuckled and let Daisy, who was standing nervously beside him gripping his hand, continue.

"I- Nicky, well, you see, I haven't been completely honest with anyone for a while." Spoke Daisy,

"After I had fallen for my Gatsby, he was all I wanted, back in Louisville where we met for the first time. When he left, I was devastated. I waited for him. He never came. Now, this is the hard part. You see, I have a twin sister. Her name is Tunia. She left home when we were kids and that was why no one knew her. Except me. We stayed in touch. I loved her, but she was always the troublemaker. She made me swear not to tell anyone of the fact that she exists, I have no clue why, or she wouldnt stay in contact with me. She always was trouble and I didn't know what to do for her. Then, one day, Tom came to me and swept me of my feet. But, I only had eyes for my Gatsby. So, I called up Tunia and told her and asked her what I should do as Tom didnt leave me alone. She came to met me the next day and told me that she would take my place, and marry Tom. She said that he was rich, and that was all she needed. Though, the only thing was that she wanted my name. And I let her, seeming as she didn't want her self revealed, and I personally didnt want to marry Tom. It was the only way I could think of to be sure that he would leave me alone. I realize now it wasnt the best decision, but I would do anything for a chance with my Gatsby. She left to marry Tom in my name while I stayed behind in Louisville asking anyone and everyone if they knew a Gatsby, and where to find him. Then, by miracle, I had bumped into him that day 3 years ago, and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was actually him, and we talked and I explained everything to him. He told me that Tunia had already gotten arrested after the incident with killing that woman and they had found out that she ran many illegal business and made drugs, so I went back and took my name and cleared the misunderstandings. And, here we are now."

She paused to think. "Long story shortened of course." She giggled.

Daisy and Gatsby looked at me with such anticipation that I had felt like my eyes would burst. I couldnt believe this. So I laughed. I laughed like there was no tomorrow.

"You are both absurd-prefect for each other." I managed to smile between breaths.

Gatsby and Daisy looked at each other with such passion I had only thought to be in fairy tales. Now I see that they are similar- Gatsby and Daisy.

They both led long lives in any way that would lead them to their only goal: Each other. And as crazy as it as, it was pure, and that was all I could hope for.



That was it. I'm done.

How was it? Honestly though was it ok? I need thought so I know if I should change anything.

Also, I wanted to see if you guys liked this and wanted me to do more of these with other books that you loved. Like you can tell me a book you guys want and I would change the ending like this and publish it on my page.

What are your thoughts?

Anyways, hope you loved the story.

Love, M

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2017 ⏰

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