It's Just a small cut

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I hold the cool blade in my hand
It reflects my ugly past
A past I can not forget.
It haunts
it haunts my mind
Creeping behind every door
The doors I foolishly opened.
I let them in.
I let the monster touch me
I didn't say a word
I couldn't
My mouth was sewn shut by threats lined with fear
Fear that still holds me
I try to pull them out
But they come back stronger
The blade feels heavy
The heavy feeling in my chest
Is heavier
It weighs me down in the pool
As I sink I look up
Crimson swirls around
Like fish swimming
I swim with them
I take the blade and press in pale skin
Pale as the moon
The moon I'd watch every night
Hoping that
I was in a fairy tale and fly away
One small cut and crimson flows
It pools to the floor
Pools fill as I watch from up above
With the moon
I watch
It was just one small cut

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