Chapter 12

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Zoes POV

I felt my world crumble around me, marks dead?!? What was I going to do? Even though we weren't friends with mark anymore it still meant something to me. Alfie comforted me, it was bad enough before when I found out her was in an accident

"Mark is dead! " I screamed

"Mark? " the nurse asked

"Yeah you just told us that he passed away on impact?!? "Alfie said to the nurse getting a little adgetated

"Oh I thought you were calling him mark because his full name was marucs, I thought it was a nick name or something, Marcus ferris died on impact but mark ferris is in the room just down the corridor" the nurse told us, hugging me as she could see her stupidity has upset me, I shrugged her off, I looked through all of the doors and finally found mark, lying in bed

Marks POV

Zoe and alfie came through the door, they cared I was in an accident? Even my parents hadn't came yet, but they were here, that was important

"Mark are you okay! " Zoe asked me, giving me a hug.

I told them everything, about uni, simone, the END with Simone and all of Christmas day, they told me about the pregnancy, the wedding, the proposal, and the gender. I loved the name Stefan, and James went so perfectly with it.

Zoe and Alfie left and because we clearly all care about each other , we are ging to start talking again which makes everyone really happy

                                      2 weeks later

Zoes POV

Me and mark had just filmed a video with alfie and we all sat down and talked about all of our crazy life events, the video, was in fact VERY long and it would take me a while to edit.  I'm glad that alfie and I were talking to mark again, maybe a break was all we needed.  I was happy that mark was out of the hospital but there was some really good news for mark. When he was in the hospital, simone came to visit him, she said that she had quit her job and mark felt really guilty  at first but then she said that she was quitting because she was going to the we university as mark, when she said this he got really happy and started talking about a future with each other which really made me feel happy for mark.

Falling For Someone Else (A Zalfie Fanfiction/completed) Where stories live. Discover now