chapter 2

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Chapter: 2 Percy Jackson as a Kid

A/N: thanks again to ThAt-DaM-fAnFiCtIoNeR, who let me rewrite her /his story.
@THANKS to all those who faved and reviewed!

Percy had always known that Gabe wasn't his real father, because of the looks and the way he acted, and the words…. whenever Gabe abused him his mind had always drifted to one thing if my Dad ever loved me? If his dad did love him, then why did he have to suffer?

Percy staggered as the man told him that he was his father. Why I had only met this guy 2 minutes ago and now he claims to be my father! This so isn't right. Percy thought as he followed the man and watched carefully.

"Percy, try to keep up please." His father's words rang out in the slowly dawning of night.

"Who are you?" Percy asked his green eyes watching and assessing, to see if he could run away and never come back.

"I already told you Percy, I am your father"

"Why did you leave? Did you not want me? Do you know what that man does to me?!" the little boy fired question after question to the man who looked desperate.

"Percy " Poseidon began.

"Did you love me?" at this the Sea God stopped and knelt down to his son's height and asked "What?"

"I said did you love me?"

"Percy, did is not the correct wording, I do love you, now why would you ask that?"

"Because he told me you didn't" With that Poseidon's eyes flared with uncontained anger, that made Percy step back only to bump right into the wall.

"Who?" he asked raged.

"Gabe" Percy said simply

"Don't ever believe a word that man ever told you ok? Because even though I am not always with you, I love you, you are my son. My kin."

Percy nodded slightly confused it was hard for his 5year old mind to process everything.

With that Poseidon stood back up, dusted his knees and took the small fragile child's hand and walked off into the sunset. Their shadows long and all too soon they reached the apartments in New York.


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