What Have We Gotten Ourselves Into?

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Hi guys, I just thought I would show you guys that I'm not just a person to talk to on Wattpad, I actually DO write a little bit as well:) I really hope you like it! Comment for a chance to win a character spot in this story! I'll be adding a new character every month!!!! Are you ready... Ready Freddy... Ready Steady.... LET'S GO!!!! 


Seacat's POV: 

Butch and Lela rolled out of the waves with a splat onto the wet sand that covered the shore-line of the beach. "Where's Big Mama's?" Butch asked rubbing the salt water out of his eyes the moment a wave swept against the back of their legs, causing everyone to scream. 

"Where are we?" Lela asked confused and scared. 

"My hair!" Tanner weeped. 

"Dude." Someone exclaimed from the beach, "You guys look totally lost." He stated. His hair looked funny, almost like a parrot who's feathers were ruffled in confusion or anger. He was wearing a tank-top with bright colors on the front which confused everyone. "Do you need to use my phone?" He asked. 

You could see it on everyone's face, What was a phone? He held up a small, hand-held device with a picture of a boy on there. He looked about 13 and his hair looked almost the same as the boy who'd offered to let us borrow his phone. We all jumped back and hollered with horror at the weird looking, blue plastic that this boy had called a 'phone'. 

Lela took the small box carefully, "Say a command." Came from the box, causing us all to scream again. We all huddled around her. I turned around and looked at the kid who'd offered us his phone, just to make sure he wasn't going anywhere, my attention quickly snapping back to the device in Lela's hand. None of us knew what to do with the box, so Lela handed it back to the weird kid. 

"Thank you." She said almost as if she were asking a question. 

"Now what?" Butch asked from behind Chachi. 

"I guess we find somewhere to hang and regroup." I said looking around for the nearest crash-spot. "Big Poppa's Surf Shop." I read the sign out loud and pointed to a place that looked an awful lot like Big Momma's. 

"That looks like Big Momma's." Butch said almost as if he read my mind. 

"Let's go check it out." Tanner said flicking his wet hair out of his face. 

Lela ran towards the small hut and we all followed her. I wonder who stays there... I wonder where we are. 

Mack's POV: 

I pushed my surfboard on top of the rack that was at the door of my grandpa's surf shop. Today had been a long day and I needed to take a nap. I'm going to miss all of the people  I met back in the 60's. And it sucks because I can't tell anyone about the things we did or saw, no one would ever believe me. I wouldn't even believe me. Brady was on the floor next to the couch. "What are you doing?" I asked stepping over him and plopping down on the couch. 

"I'm sleeping on the floor, Mack. What does it look like I'm doing?" He said sarcastically. 

"I know you're tired, but there's no need to get snappy. I was just going to offer to let you sleep up here, with me." I said pulling a blanket off the love-seat next to the three-seater couch in the lounge. "But if you don't want too..." I almost finished my sentence before Brady was up off the floor and laying next to me. "That's what I thought." I smiled as he kissed my nose. 

"I'm glad you're staying." Brady whispered before closing his eyes. 

"Me too." I said snuggling into his chest. 

There was a knock at the door that made Brady and I jump. "Who is that?" Brady asked me like I knew who was at the door. 

I looked up at him with a 'duh' face and got up to check. People didn't usually knock on the front door, considering it's a surf-shop and people normally just walk in. I opened the door and my jaw hit the floor. "MACK?!" Lela's voice rang through then entire store. I heard foot steps  coming and I knew that Brady had heard her. "What are you doing here?" She asked excitedly as the entire gang, Butch, Seacat, Chachi, Giggles, Tanner, and the rest of them came rushing in the door. 

"I live here..." I said sarcastically. "The real question is... HOW DID YOU GET HERE?!" I panicked. I don't know how we're going to get them back! Right as things were about to get serious, Brady came busting though the living room door. 

"Brady?" Lela said looking from me to Brady and back again. "Where are we?" She asked. 

"You're in 2014. You're in the your future, mine and Brady's present. Remember that far away place we spoke of?" She nodded. "This is it." I said gesturing around me. 

"Yeah, how did you guys get here?" Brady asked cool as a cucumber. (Look at me.. Talking like I'm from the 60's.) 

"We followed you guys into the water, things were rough and we got swept away." Seacat explained. "It was rad, but we were beat feet to get out of there." 

"What does that mean?" Brady said looking at me, I shrugged. 

"Climb it, Tarzan!" Butch rang from the background. "Flake off, and let me do the talking." He said pushing his way in front of Seacat. "Now, look. Is it cool if we crash here tonight?" He asked Brady. 

Before I could object, Brady was already telling them yes and where to go. 

"Brady, a word." I said pulling him over to an unpopulated part of the shop. "Brady, where are they going to sleep? What are they going to eat? How are we going to keep them away from  grandpa? He knows what they look like, he watched that stu--awesome movie all the time, he knows it like the back of his hand." I said in a whisper-shout. 

"Look, we'll figure it out. But we can't let them roam around the beach all night, now can we?" 

"I hate it when you make sense." I said turning around and running upstairs to get blankets, pillows, and extra clothes for all of them. It's weird though, I don't know how, or why, but I almost knew they would find their way back to us. Like it's just weird not having them around. Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing after all. 

Brady's POV: 

Something good is going to come from this, I can feel it. 


So there you go! The kick-off to my summer series! TEEN BEACH 2! Let me know what you guys would like to see happen to this in the comments, pretty please?! Let me know wat you think as well! 

The contest for the new character for next month will conclude on the 30th of May!! So comment for your chance to win! Vote and follow me if you haven't already so you don't miss the next chapter. I'm going to start posting on Monday's:) Just to start the week off right with a good sequel:) I love you guys and thank you for your support:P I'm dedicating this chapter to Brady, because he's the one who convinced me to write this in the first place and I'm just now getting around to actually writing it:) Thanks Brady<3, I couldn't do any of this without you. I love you:* <3

xx--Mack <3

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