This Can't Be True

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"I heard you had dinner with Woo-jin last night."

Somin frowned at her best friend. The two of them were having lunch in the cafeteria.

"We were with Tae-hyung and Jiwoo," she told Na-eun.

Na-eun grinned and wagged her eyebrows suggestively. "Oh. Double date."

"Shut up."

Na-eun picked up her fork and stabbed her carrot. "I still remember when Tae-hyung was single," she said with a mock shiver. "I'm glad he found a girlfriend and finally changed his image. They look really adorable together, don't they?"

"Jiwoo and Tae-hyung?" Somin sipped her tea. "Yeah, they're adorable. Adorably sickening."

"You're just jealous, hun."

"I'm not."

"I mean, you've dated Tae-hyung before right? There must still be something there."

Somin leaned back on her chair. "Honestly, we are better off as friends."

"But didn't you love him?" Na-eun asked curiously. "You dated for like, a year or two right?"

"We did."

It was Na-eun's turn to frown at her. "So a part of you must still love him, Somin."


"Hey, Somin," Woo-jin called out to her as she hurried down the stairs of the school building.

Somin smiled and waved at him. Woo-jin had invited Na-eun and her for dinner but Na-eun had cancelled at the last minute, telling her on the phone that he was all hers. She wasn't even mad this time for the trickery. Feeling warm and gushy, she stopped in front of Woo-jin who was looking especially handsome tonight.

"Sorry I'm late," she apologized. "Rehearsals took longer than I expected."

He smiled at her and her heart skipped. "It's okay. We didn't wait too long."

Her body went completely still and the warm gushiness evaporated.


That was when Somin noticed the man standing next to Woo-jin. She had been so focused on him he didn't notice that someone else was there behind him.

"You're the girl from the club," the man suddenly spoke.

Somin blinked. "Excuse me?"

He stepped from behind Woo-jin and Somin instantly recognized him. It was the creepy guy from the club.

Looking closely at him, Somin saw that he had cut his hair and even shaved. Now she could see he was actually handsome. But not that handsome as Woo-jin, of course.

"Oh," she murmured in recognition. "Are you a student in this university too?"

The guy smiled. "You thought I was a NEET?"

Somin nodded unashamedly.

"Wait. You two know each other already?" Woo-jin asked brightly.

Wait, why was he looking so happy?

"I don't know his name though," Somin admitted. "We just talked about... stuff."

"I'm Tae-hyung," Woo-jin's friend said, reaching out a hand to shake hers. "And you're Somin. Woo-jin told me all about you."

She shook his hand. Woo-jin looked on like a proud mama and Somin grew even more confused.

Then something dawned on Somin and again, her body, as well as her lungs and heart, went completely still.

She looked at Tae-hyung. "Is this the best friend who was holding your wallet hostage?" she asked him in what she hoped was her normal voice.

She knew she failed when Tae-hyung's brows drew together as he stared at her. "Yeah," he answered slowly. "He still has it by the way."

And Somin felt her heart crumble

"He's out with a girl right now."

Wasn't that what Tae-hyung told her when she met him in the club?

"Let's go?" Woo-jin asked the two of them.

Somin managed a smile when she looked at him. "Sure."


"I did love him," Somin admitted. "But... it wasn't the romantic kind of love. He was like... even though he was a year older than us... he was like the little brother that I didn't have."

Na-eun grinned. "Yeah. He's kind of an idiot after all. I still remembered how he believed that I was a born a quintuplet and how confused he was whenever I told him I didn't know him or I wasn't Na-eun back in university."

Somin chuckled. "We did have fun together, you know. But in the end, it wasn't just enough. I didn't feel the electricity. There was no sparks flying between us. And he was still pining for his first love. It didn't just work out."

"Maybe because you already felt the sizzle sizzle for his best friend then?" Na-eun asked in a teasing tone.

Somin didn't want to be reminded of it.

"Just finish your lunch, Na-eun," she said, shoving a piece of bread into her best friend's mouth.



Sorry the romance between BM and Somin seems slow. Slowly but surely guys. (*^▽^*)

Thanks for reading!

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