Cheshire's Grin

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Katie's Point of View

"See? Just like this Reiner," I told the blonde boy who sat next to me, trying his hardest to force a flame to his fingertip. I flicked my hand sideways, a soft flame flickering on the tip of my finger, glowing blue from the bottom and orange on top. I twisted my hand again, getting the flame to slip down between my fingertips. Since I learned about these powers, it's become much easier to control them to and extant.

"I give up Katie!" He threw his hands in the air, falling backward onto his back with a heavy thump, sighing angrily, rubbing his face both slamming both fists into the grassy soil below us. "We've been at this for an hour!" I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose and then running my hand through my short, golden hair, my fringe falling into my eyes. "I'll never be as good as you are."

"Reiner, I'm an Influencer so I'm supposed to be better at this and I'm way older than you kid," I tried joking, softly punching his shoulder. Reiner was a boy, about fifteen years old, that Sander and I had managed to find when he accidentally set off the fire alarms at his school. Supposedly, something his teacher had said pissed him off so badly his hands started to smoke. When the teacher approached him, threatening to send him to the principal if he didn't hand over what ever was smoking, he just looked up at her, stunned. The more the teacher yelled, the more upset Reiner got, the more his hands started smoking, and eventually, they caught fire and set off the alarm.

Sander and I were called to the police station to find him sitting in a chair in the Guild section in the back, the area that no Mundane human was allowed or could even see. We always got new kids back there,but the leaders of Guilds would argue over the kid with the odd abilities until the matter was finally solved after a couple fist fights and such. He looked terrified, shaking and sobbing so hard that they had to restrain him with handcuffs on the chair. As the officer and Sander conversed, I stepped over to the terrified, blue eyed blonde, crouching in front of him like he were a small child. Well, considering I'm over a hundred years old (still consider myself nineteen though) and he was only fifteen, he kind of was a child.  

"Hey," I told him smiling softly. "I'm Katie, this may seem confusing, but it'll all be explained very soon, I promise," I took his still shaking hand. "Sander and I are here to take you to a safe place for people like us okay?" I nodded to him, still smiling. He nodded, gasping for breath and his hands began to glow red at which point he yanked his hands away from me, shaking and seeming as if he were about to throw up. "Hey, hey, calm down, okay?" I took his hand again, holding it tightly. I focused all my energy on him, forcing him to calm down by breaking down barriers of his mind. He began to calm down almost instantly as I forced my Influencer abilities on him. "Your ability is linked with your emotions," I told him quickly. "Relax," I forced the barrier to break more before shutting down the panic section of his mind. The red ans smoke diminished from his hands, as did his terror.

"Katie, I've been here six months, shouldn't I be able to do a single fucking flame on my finger tip?" He huffed angrily, looking up at me, his steel blue eyes like an icy cavern, which was odd since he was a Flicker, a fire user. As Sander came into the room, sporting his Shadow Hunter gear, equipped with Reaper knives and Silver Rose gun and bullets stuck into the waist band of his jeans and several other weapons slung across his back.

"Reiner, stop, it's linked with your emotions, you just need to focus your anger on it. I know you have a lot of anger in that skull of yours," Sander rapped his knuckles on the crown of Reiner's head before musing up his hair. He grumbled some quiet remarks, but those were lost to my ears when I stood up to hug and kiss Sander. I noticed his arm was cut up, the black, leather sleeve of his jacket cut, blood slight dripping onto the material.

"What happened?" I asked, running my fingers gently across it, blood still oozing out slightly. The skin was puffy and irritated around the bleeding wound but it didn't seem to have an infection setting in.

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