"Who's going again?" I asked as I exited the bathroom.

"Phil, me, you, Louise, and Louise says that Joe, Caspar, and Zoe are already there." Hazel said. Those were the majority of the people who came a day earlier, so the others must be settling in. I nodded and slipped on some flip flops. We all started toward the lobby when I stopped myself.

"Wait, I have to get Dan, I'll be back." I said, turning around. They continued on and I knocked on his door. It opened and he smiled at me. He was wearing black (of course) swim shorts.

"Ready?" I asked, smiling back at him. He nodded and shut his door behind him. He followed me to the lobby where Phil and Hazel had stopped.

"Hi, I found him." I said. Dan held up a peace sign and Phil groaned.

"You have to stop with that. The fans are ready to kill you at this point." Phil said. I giggled and we all started outside to the pool. We entered and everyone said their hellos. Caspar was sat with Joe on some pool chairs so I headed towards them and everyone followed.

"Hello." I said, putting my stuff in a chair next to Dan's, one away from Caspar. They nodded and continued to talk. Hazel and Phil had already started toward the pool and Dan shed his shirt. I glanced for a moment before deeming myself creepy and I looked away. I shed my shorts and tossed them next to my stuff.

"Whooo, (y/n) take it off!" Caspar yelled, drawing everyone's attention to me.

"Actually shut up." I replied. I felt my face heat up and I could feel Dan staring at me. I pulled off my shirt and Caspar gasped, clutching his chest.

"Bow chicka wow wow" Caspar sang and I threw my shirt at him. "ooh it's an interactive experience." he said, throwing my shirt on my chair.

"Stop, you hoe." I said, starting towards the pool. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Dan watching me. I was beyond embarrassed.

"My god Caspar's thirsty!" Joe yelled and I laughed. I felt a pair of hands push me into the pool. I surfaced to be greeted by Caspar sat, cross legged, on the edge of the pool.

"You're an ass." I said.

"Look, I'm just getting you wet." he said, wriggling his eyebrows.

"You are the epitome of nasty." I said. He just winked at me. I yanked him into the cold water and he screamed. "Payback's a bitch!" I said. Hazel laughed and I yelped as something slipped between my legs. I was lifted up and I noticed Caspar had taken me up on his shoulders.

"Oh my lord put me down!" I screamed. He obliged and tossed me off, backwards, and I screamed, re-entering the water with a huge splash. I came up and pushed the hair out of my eyes.

"I hate you!" I screamed, splashing him.

"(y/n)! Chicken fight!" he yelled. "Zoe, you're strongest here. Partners!" Caspar yelled. Zoe just shrugged and assumed my previous spot on his shoulders. I glanced around for a partner when a warm hand was placed on my shoulder. I turned to see Dan had made his way into the pool. He motioned to me and I put my hands on his shoulders. He dipped underwater and I hopped up. He came up, brushing hair out of his face and residing his hands on my thighs. I felt my stomach flip at being this close to him. Why? His hands were practically burning me I was freaking out. It was like meeting a celebrity which must be why I'm going so crazy.

"(y/n) you are going down. Zoe's got you beat!" Caspar said.

"In you're dreams Caspar! No offence Zoe."

"None taken." she said.

"Bring it on!" he said. I smirked at him and I felt Dan start to move underneath me. It was at this moment when I realize exactly how close he was. I mean, my lower half was practically against his head. Now I'm embarrassed. Fuck. We're friends, it's cool. Shut up (y/n). He gripped my legs to keep me from falling and Louise cheered for us from the edge of the pool. Zoe held out her arms and we connected hands, trying to shove each other off. Zoe yelped and wobbled and I tried to push her off, but she stayed. I glanced down for a moment to see Caspar and Dan glaring at each other. Were they actually mad? I gave one good push and both Zoe and Caspar fell backwards. Dan stumbled back and I cheered. Dan held out a hand for a high five and I did. Caspar came up, glaring at me.

"Looks like I won." I said and Caspar smirked.

"Now, you get your prize! A kiss from me!"

"I would like to graciously donate that to Joe, who was silently supporting me from the side." I said. He looked up at me and I smiled.

"DUDE NO!" Joe screamed and I laughed. Dan squeezed my leg and he helped me down. I slid down so I was stood in front of him, his hands on my waist, after helping me.

"Nice teamwork!" I said. I mentally face palmed at my awkwardness and he laughed.

"Indeed it was." he said, letting go. I felt my face go rosy and I felt almost sad that he wasn't touching me. Wait. What?! I shook it off and swan with him towards Phazel. They were deep in conversation about something.

"Oh just kiss already." I muttered. Dan burst out laughing and I felt rather proud of myself. It was one of those really good hearty Dan laughs. You know?

"Phazel is inevitable." I said, shaking my head. Dan laughed.

"You should honestly hear him talk about Hazel. It's like a kid in a candy shop." Dan said. Phil overheard and elbowed Dan. Hazel didn't hear and we swam a bit down and away from them.

"Hazel's the same, underneath. I practically teased her the whole way here about her and her boyfriend." I said. Dan chuckled.

"They're cute." I said, staring at them for a moment. I turned back to Dan and sighed. I looked up to meet his eyes to realize he had been looking at me. We made eye contact and just stared at each other. His eyes were warm from the dim pool lights, the rest of his face shadowed. His eyes flickered and I felt him shift closer.

"Hey what are you guys up to?" Caspar asked, sliding into the water between us.

What was that?! Why did he come closer?!

I pushed it out of my head and lifted myself out of the pool saying I had to go and rest for tomorrow. Hazel came to my rescue and agreed. We left and we walked in silence.

"What happened?" Hazel asked.

"I really don't know. Dan's confusing." I said. Hazel nodded and we both fell silent, coming to our door. I changed and told Hazel I was going for a walk. She nodded and I went down to the lobby, completely empty except for a pianist they hired to entertain guests. I sat down and listened to the unrecognizable tune he was playing. 

I sighed, relaxing into the chair. Why was I feeling like this? I can't breathe as easy when I'm around him, but he makes me so calm. How can that be? I don't know what it is, and all I can do is just ignore it. Was I star struck? How? He was just a normal person, right?

I've been building him up in my head as this 'celebrity' in the past and it's stuck with me. Damn. I was definitely one to imagine things as more than they are. That's why I strike people as so cheery and happy. I was living in some sort of daydream. Every once in a while I would come back to reality and honestly find it hard to cope, as it was always at not so good times. I try to stop, but I can't sometimes. I've gotten better, now that my life was somewhat of and actual dream. I--

"(y/n)?" my thought were interrupted and I turned around in my chair. Dan was stood there. He took the chair across from me and looked at me.

"Are you alright?" he asked. That's a very interesting question. I looked at him for a moment before responding.

"Yeah, just listening to the piano." I said. He looked down at his lap for a second before glancing at the pianist. He sat back and listened with me. It felt comfortable, but awkward, just listening.

"I'll, uh, see you tomorrow." I said, standing up. The piano player did as well, leaving us in echoing silence.

"Yeah, tomorrow teammate." he said. He started back to the pool to retrieve Phil and I watched him leave.


How nice of him to remember.

Why did he remember?

I turned, walking along, watching the tiles as I did. I smile sneaked it's way onto my face and I felt my stomach burn.

Star struck?

Whatever it is, I definitely have it. And I have it bad.


I hope you enjoyed!

Stay awesome!


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