Transcription: If I Could Paint Your Beauty, What Colors Could I Use? (Part 1)

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If I could paint your beauty, what colors could I use?

Maybe I should use a rouge?

The same color of your pretty lips that stretch in the most genuine smile you can give.

The same color of the tint on your cheeks across your soft skin.

What colors could I use?

Maybe I could use a pretty blue.

That come in many different pretty hues.

Just like deep endless oceans that reminds me of you.

The same blues that crashed me in the waves that are you.

The same color of my heart

That cries at the thought of you.

If I could paint your beauty what colors could I use?

A sigh left his mouth as he scribbled and erased the words that ran through his mind. He couldn't understand why he couldn't put all he wanted to say on this piece of paper. Just like in real life he was awestruck, tongue-tied, and hopeless as he stared at her from afar. Even on paper. No matter how many poetry books and love literature he read he couldn't even come close to interpreting his own feelings on this one page.


He felt frustrated with himself as his heart pounded loudly.His eyes were trained on her as she looked out of the window that was two rows diagonally from him. Her brown eyes sparkled from the sunlight that softly touched her features. He couldn't help but stare in awe at how simple her beauty was. Even nature couldn't help but to agree with him.

"Hey!" he jumped in surprise. Knocking him out of his trance quick " It's time to go to lunch. You don't wanna be last to the canteen do you?" one of his friends Taeyong patted his shoulder.

"U-uh you go ahead and save me a seat. I have to do something first and I'll meet you down there."

"You're sure?" Taeyong asked and he nodded his head," Alright, be quick." Taeyong patted his shoulder and made his way out of the classroom.

"This is the closest to a good poem I can do. Let's hope that this can work." he sighed as he folded the paper up. He gave the folded paper a quick kiss before getting from his seat. He gave her one more look before slipping the paper into her class locker.

A/N: Sorry that the first chapter is hella short but trust me the next few will be hella longer. This is like an intro to the story. I hope you guys like it~ I tried typing it a bit differently from the way I usually write my stories. A little more sophisticated(?) and clean cut in a way. I kind of wanted to write it as if it was in an actual book and actually focus on grammar. ( Which I am definitely bad at if you couldn't tell) That's what the video gave to me so I hope I write it out pretty well. 

Poetic Beauty: His Blue Ocean NCT127 Jaehyun X Reader Where stories live. Discover now