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Hey guys! Here's the answers to the Q&A! Thank you so much for your questions!

Hey guys! Here's the answers to the Q&A! Thank you so much for your questions!

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Q: What is your favorite musical? And your favorite song from that musical?

A: Well, my favorite musical is obviously Hamilton, and my favorite song from Hamilton is My Shot. Besides Hamilton, though, my favorite musical is Rent. My favorite song from Rent is La Vie Boheme. Definitely listen to it if you haven't already, it's SO GOOD.

Q: Song to describe your love life?

A: Hopeless Romantic by Meghan Trainor. My love life is pretty much non-existent. I had one boyfriend for four months, but he broke up with me way back in January, so at this point I'm pretty lonely. My single level is equivalent to Mark Cohen right about now. Eventually, though, I'm hoping I'll find someone who I really fit well with. Wow, this answer got depressing, haha!

Thanks so much for participating, guys! I loved answering your questions, it was really fun! Here, have a meme before I go to bed. Good night, and Happy Turkeymas!

 Good night, and Happy Turkeymas!

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