11/Back to Normal! Is it Forever?

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Hi everyone! It's Chika, your favorite Sailor Soldier! As you guys know, it's April, meaning it's school season! I'm so excited, because I finally get to start MIDDLE SCHOOL! But I've made a discovery...ehh? LUNAR?! What's up with you? I have no idea what you're saying! Villains that get me back into the Soldier business...in the name of the moon, I WILL PUNISH YOU!

Mito screamed, "wake up, Chika!!!!!" Chika's eyes sprang open and she flopped up. "MIDDLE SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed in joy as Mito covered her ears. "Keep. It. Down! Mom is resting in the hot springs." Chika changed in the span of 0.5 milliseconds.

"Whoa...the weird thing is, that's not the craziest thing I've seen you do..." Chika smiled widely and kissed Mito's cheek, "I'm excited for Middle School!" Lunar stuffed herself into Chika's backpack before she could grab it and go to school for the next 7 hours.  Chika zipped it without suspicion and bumpily walked off. "This is torture," Lunar said, muffled.

Chika made her way to Yo's house. "This first?!" she said, muffled. Chika rang the doorbell. Yo energetically burst out. "Middle school!" they held hands and waited for the bus. "Finally, peace and quiet.." Lunar sighed in relief. The bus finally came and they jumped into it. "Spoke too soon...."

Chika and Yo talked a lot on the bus, "so, did you hear my mom is thinking of adopting a younger child?" Yo gasped, "no way!" "Yes way," said Chika, "and she's thinking of adopting a kid from TOKYO!" the girls squealed, while Lunar sighed in disappointment. "They'll be so late..." the bus finally stopped at their school. "THANKS, KUNIHIKO!" they hopped off the bus.

At school...

"Whoa, this building! It's so complex!" Lunar slowly unzipped Chika's bag and jumped out, going somewhere else. Yo smiled, "it's a brand new start!" a girl with a long blue ponytail walked past them. "Hi, girls!" they hesitantly waved back. "Who is that?!" Chika whisper-shouted. "She's really pretty..." Yo whispered back. The girl seemed to be going to Dia's office.

"Kanan," said Dia, "I understand that you are now leading a normal life." Kanan nodded, "yes." Dia cleared her throat, "but..the girls have all lost their memories. Those that met before Chika became a Soldier, however, will remember each other, but not their identities as soldiers. As their guardians, it's our job to restore their memory." 

"Affirmative," said Kanan, "I'll try to gather them together...and give them this," she took out the picture that was taken right before the explosion. "But, don't you think they'll be a tad suspicious that you're in this picture, Dia?" Dia groaned a little, "maybe...at first. Except Riko, though. She's the only one that knows -- knew."

Kanan nodded, "yeah. Alright, I'll try gathering them. Ciao~" she left the office. Dia sighed, sorting papers together. "I hope she doesn't disappoint..."

Dia gets up, going to join Riko outside. "A-Ah! Dia-senpai.." Dia smiled, "now we're finally at the same school. Were you trying to get a picture taken?" Riko nodded, "yeah..I should take one right--"

Yo snaps a picture of herself where Kanan intentionally photobombs. Chika does a flip, frightening Riko and throwing her hair onto Dia. Dia is angered, but a photo is snapped. "W-What are you doing...?" said Riko. "An amazing backflip!" Chika responded. "That's kind of dangerous, you know..." Chika nodded, "yeah, but it's good to try new things!" Dia noticed Hanamaru and Ruby. "Ruby!" she shouted. Ruby looked back, "oh, big sis! I'm going to your school next spring!"

"I know, Ruby! But I need you and your friend here right now!" Hanamaru and Ruby ran to Dia. "Zura?"

Dia looked at them closely, "do you know these 3 girls?" they both shook their heads. Yoshiko came, "Dia...Kanan.." they turned to her, "how do you--"

"I've known before they did." she said, "and we need them to remember each other." 

"What are you talking about?" said Yo. "I only know Chikacchi." Kanan smiled from behind Yo, "but," she startled her, "you also know these other girls...and we have proof." she took out the princess picture.

"Sailor...Moon.." said Chika. "Sailor...Mercury.." said Yo. "Sailor...Mars.." said Riko. "Sailor...Jupiter.." said Ruby. "Sailor...Venus.." said Hanamaru. The girls were blinded for a moment. "You guys lost all your memory after the huge fight with Dimetheon. Kanan and Lunar teamed up and we thought it was best you guys recall these events in case a new enemy appears."

Riko said, "well, Dimetheon's dead, Kanan's back to normal...Dimethyl is dead..who else is there to fight?" Lunar responded, "well, the Kingdom itself had tried countless times to revive Mari. She was killed in the Past Life and is now a phantom and wants to haunt the Earth forever. They started the project outside of the Kingdom..so it wouldn't be scrapped and so Mari wouldn't be trapped. And, in case she is revived...we're gonna have to have you guys be Soldiers. Again."

"...So," Yo said as the girls got their vision back, "we're just gonna...do this all over again?" Yoshiko shrugged, "it depends, little demon. If Mari stays dormant, then no. You could resume your lives, but if she comes back to life, then...you're gonna have to."

Hanamaru and Ruby held hands. "Ruby...can't believe we're going through this again..." Hanamaru nodded, "yeah...I thought we were done, honestly." they all turned to Chika. She seemed silent. "..." she gripped her skirt. "Isn't middle school supposed to be a good experience?" she aggressively walked away.

Yo sighed, "she'll come around. Anyway, it's almost 8:30...let's go to our classes." they all parted ways. Throughout the rest of the day, Chika looked out the window and put her head down. "We have to be soldiers again.....I can't relive it!"

A/N: Welcome to Season 2, everyone! I know that in the original anime, Usagi does an episode highlight. The soldiers will start doing it in this season. Their school will be called: Uranohoshi Girls' Middle School! Surprise!

Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Idol! SPARKLE - SEASON 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz