Chapter 4

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The following Monday during band rehearsal we were doing sectionals on new music. The three of us walked around, commenting on how sections sounded, sort of stalling until we blew the whistle. I stood in the middle of the practice field a few minutes before we were supposed to blow the whistle. Garrett came up to me. "What are you doing tonight?" he asked.

"I have to do homework," I said.

"How long will that take?" He was squinting in the sunlight, his skin glowing.

"I don't know. I have to read some stuff."

"Can you be done by nine?"


"Figured maybe you could come over."

"What the hell for?" I asked. "That's too late for supper."

He smiled, still squinting. My eyes were hidden behind sunglasses. "I can wine and dine you first."


"God Alex. I want to hook up."

"Oh." I looked at the ground. Where did this come from? Why now? I looked back at him, his dark hair blowing in the wind. "Okay. I can be there at nine."

He smiled. "I can pick you up. I live downtown."

I nodded. I put the whistle in my mouth and held up my hand. Garrett followed suit and we blew the whistle, Cassie joining in. The band gathered back over for full music rehearsal and Cassie walked next to me. I told her I was going over to Garrett's tonight to have sex. She was excited for me, but I didn't let her know I was nervous. With no experience, there were many things I was clueless on. I wanted to fuck him, but really didn't know how. After rehearsal I showered because it was so hot outside, and I used my best body wash and lotions. After getting ready, to my mortification, I Googled things like "how to give a blow job" and "positions for gay sex." I was supposed to read three case studies for my communications class, but didn't have time. Garrett texted me saying he was here.

I went downstairs and looked at his car. I forgot he had money. It was a nice car, blue and new. I sat inside, thinking about how it's been months since I drove a car. "You look good," he said. "Did you get your homework done?"

"Yes," I said. "It was just a few case studies."

"Are you still in mass communication?" He drove down the street towards the Wabash.

"Yeah, kind of."

"What do you mean kind of?"

"I don't know. I've taken a lot of other classes."

"Like what?"

" classes."

He smiled over at me. "Right, I forgot you did theater. Add it as a major," he said.

"I don't know, my dad already doesn't like that I'm getting a liberal arts degree," I said.

"Don't tell him. There's no way he would know. It won't say it on your diploma."

"Yeah...I don't know. Communications is hard. I already don't know if I'm going to graduate on time. Don't want to make him anymore mad. He didn't like I took summer classes this year but whatever."

"He can fuck off."

I wish it were that easy. We didn't say anything on the way to his place. Campus was on the west side of the Wabash river and across the river was downtown, an artsy and historic part of the city. He lived in an apartment above a candy store. It had a beautiful view of the river and campus. It was a one bedroom with wood floors and high windows, vintage looking with pillars and fine detailing. He could afford it because he was a foster kid, and his guardian was a record producer from Chicago. I usually rolled my eyes at rich kids but I knew Garrett wasn't always like that. He was passed from home to home, some abusive or neglecting. He told me he was once homeless for a few months in Chicago because the foster family never reported him missing when he ran away.

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