"Now what are you doing?" Cassie asked, looking in the doorway.

"I want to change," I said, shrugging, trying to play cool but not succeeding.


"I just...want to look good. I feel like a bum in this."

"Let me help."

I snapped my head up at her. "I can do it. I know fashion."

She snorted. "Sure. Again, hurry up."

I changed into a pair of navy blue pants, like skinny jeans but made out of a polyester-cotton blend. They looked good on me. I then put on my cerulean denim shirt. I pushed the sleeves up, folding them, and left the first two buttons undone to show my well defined chest, just a little. I put on my brown loafers and brown belt. I styled my hair and came back out into the hallway to my friends.

"Damn! Okay," said Cassie. "I guess you do know fashion. You look good."

"Who are you trying to impress there?" Alexa asked.

"Damn Alex," Cassie said again.

"If it isn't obvious," Gretta said.

Cassie and I exchanged looks, but before we could say anything Adam came out of the living room and ushered us out the door. We walked the two blocks to the house, paid $5 for a cup, and went to the basement where people were hanging out, black lights illuminating the place. I looked around for Garrett but didn't see him. That's when I realized I hadn't replied to him. I sent him a pic of the party saying "come find me."

He didn't open it or reply.

I forgot about him for the first hour, but then he showed up later. I could feel him looking at me from across the room. When he looked at me he flicked his eyebrows up and then went upstairs. I followed. He went into a small hallway and I followed. He then opened a door to a closet and I hesitated.

"What if someone comes in or sees us?" I asked.

"The party's downstairs," he said, smiling. He was high, not drunk, just a little. "Come on Alex, little Miss Suck-My-Dick-On-The-Bus."

I looked around and then went into the small but sizeable closet with him. I couldn't see a thing, but when he put his hands on my hips I didn't have to. "Don't kiss me," I said.

He laughed. "Why not? You have such nice lips Alex."

"It's too intimate."

"It doesn't have to be."

"Don't kiss me."

He didn't. He bit my neck though, hard, and I liked it. It didn't hurt, and it made me hard. He rubbed his hand over me as he bit me, moving up to my earlobe and licking along the edge. He kissed down my neck and unbuttoned my shirt with one hand, going down. "Fuck Alex," he said.

"What?" I asked, sweating.

"You're so hot. I mean like movie star hot. Like do you have a personal trainer? Your abs are so sexy." He licked up my abs, making me exhale shakily.

"No, I don't want to be weak."

If he weren't high he would've taken it seriously, but instead he laughed as he made out with my torso, undoing my belt and pants. He stroked me slowly for a few and then took me in his mouth. I let out a groan, grabbing his hair. He knew what he was doing. I knew he was pretty experienced, and even though a pang of jealousy shot through me at the thought I was thankful because I never realized how good it could feel. I came quickly, him swallowing it easily.

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