Chapter Three

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Hunter Colton

After I dropped the morons off I headed home. I didnt want to, but I knew it was getting too late. My parents wont care any way. They will be too busy yelling at each other or working in their offices.

When I got into the house I heard my parents yelling at each other in the library. I sighed and sneaked up the stairs. They were yelling about something always along the lines of me, great. I really didnt want to hear about it now.

As I walked into my room I turned on the light and closed the door behind me quietly, not wanting my parents to know I was really home. If they did they more and likely would bring it up to my room since it was about me.

I laid on my bed and just stared up at the ceiling as I went I into deep thought. I felt tears build up as I thought of my childhood best friend, Isabell. She had commited suicide two years ago after her and her ex boyfriend of five years, Nathan, had broken up.

Isabell had seem to be the only one who really understood me. Everyone else thought I was this amazing, funny, smart, athletic guy who had two perfect parents. Nope, my life is far from that.

My parents always fought, hatered was always in my house, my friends dont know the real me, and I cant be myself with anyone. I have to be the perfect, all american boy everyone wants me to be.

I buried my face in my hands as the tears of fustrations came rolling down. I sat there for, I dont know how many minutes, silently crying. I dont know when I got my razor blade out, but I caught myself before I could cut my wrists. I placed it on my nightstand and closed my eyes.

"Its not worth it." I tried saying to myself, but the urge won. I cut one line, then two, then three on my legs. Nobody would see with how hairy they were. There was a few on my shoulders, but I had stopped once I couldnt come up with anymore excuses.

After I cleaned up my mess, I got undressed and pulled on a pair of random boxers. I then laid on my bed and stared up at my ceiling. When I closed my eyes, a pair of ocean blue eyes appeared. They were beautiful. Then I started to picture the rest of the owner of the ocean blue eyes. It was Sawyer, the girl from the market. Sawyer.

Then it hit me, it was the same girl that I had ran into. Those gorgeous, ocean blue eyes were breath taking. I could be lost in those forever. Just swim in them and wash away my pain. Cheesy, I know.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: May 12, 2014 ⏰

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