Chapter 3: The Team

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          ''We just wanted to warn you guys,'' Ma'gann told them.

           ''Trust us, this is the less of the evils we've heard about this week,'' Danny says.

          The two collapsed onto the couch. The rest of the team sat down. 

             ''What else is there,'' Conner asked.

          ''Our class is going on a field trip tomorrow,'' White informed. ''And the Fentons just happen to be the ones chaperoning.''

          ''I get that you guys aren't their biggest fans, but it can't possibly be that bad,'' Jaime says.

          ''The field trip is to the Ghost Zone,'' Danny hit them with that info.

          The team instantly froze, their mouths hanging open.

         ''You have got to be kidding me,'' Roy swore.

          ''I wish we were,'' White says.

          ''Of all places, they choose the Ghost Zone,'' Dick says. ''That is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.''

         ''You've obviously never met Jack and Maddie, then,'' White chuckled. ''All that comes out of their mouths is stupidity. I swear that I will go crazy if Jack scream 'I'm gonna rip apart a ghost molecule by molecule' one more time.''

         ''Being raised around them our whole lives, you get used to the stupidity,'' Danny said. ''Yet it still annoys us.''

           ''That's because your IQ's are off the charts,'' Dick says. ''You speak five languages. You're a master swordsman and archer. Your skills in science, literature, and mathematics are better than Einstein, Newton, and Shakespeare put together. You taught yourselves how to fight, better than Batman and Black Canary, at the age of twelve. Their idiotic ideals must literally hurt your brains.''

         ''And they seriously had to choose this week of all weeks to go,'' Garfield complained. ''Do they even know what day it is in a couple of days.''

         ''They haven't remembered in fifteen years,'' White said. ''Why should the sixteenth be any different.''

           Nightwing just put his hand on his siren brother's shoulder, calming him down in that brotherly way. They all knew how much they care for each other. They were separated for years, so they're just making up for lost time. Adoption agencies always separate siblings, and they are some of the few that get reunited.

          ''Maybe it won't be as bad as you think,'' Ma'gann tries to be optimistic.

          ''Do I need to lift up my brother's shirt and show you the scars,'' White raised an eyebrow at her.

           ''Point made, and please don't,'' Ma'gann requested. ''Once was enough to scar all of us for life.''

           ''You did not just say that,'' Danny crossed his arms.

           Miss.Martian suddenly realized what she had said.

            ''Oh, sorry, Phantom,'' Ma'gann apologized.

           ''Nightwing got the wit, Phantom got the sarcasm, I just got the heart,'' White chuckled.

         The rest of the team burst into laughter while Phantom and Nightwing fake pouted or glared at the siren.

          ''As long as everything is quiet, that trip will go smooth as silk,'' Roy says.

          ''I hope you're right, Roy,'' Danny said.

          ''Besides, I don't think any of the ghosts will make a move against their king, or the siren prince,'' Kaldur reminded. ''Like you've told us, the only real evil ghosts left are the Box Ghost, Walker, Technus, Undergrowth, Vlad, Tempus, and any of our villains if they die.''

          White smiled at Kaldur, as he always did have that calming and gentle personality. Danny was giving him slight pokes with his elbow, a mischievous smile on his face. White just slapped his arm away.

         ''I'd feel a whole lot better if we had a way to convince Jack and Maddie to let us stay home,'' White says. ''That way, Phantom and Gold Siren can keep their subjects under control.''

          ''And technically, i'm not king until I turn eighteen,'' Danny reminded.

          Another bit of confusion means some more explanations needed. Danny had battled Pariah Dark, former king of the Ghost Zone, and won. Pariah had called it a battle for the throne, not that either twin knew what that meant. The same was for an evil siren that ruled over the Isle of Sirens, Obsidian Siren. White had defeated her when she tried to use her song as a way to darken the hearts of all the other siren on the isle. And since both were defeated, the rights to their thrones passed to the ones that defeated them, Danny and White.

         But since they are so young, they were given the titles of prince, instead of king. But they would take the thrones as kings once they hit eighteen. The team knew this, as did Team Phantom, so they all worried about this.

          ''Just stay calm and everything will be fine,'' Ma'gann says.

          ''Have you met me,'' Conner snickered.

           ''You guys have are still going to be that castle, tomorrow, right,'' Danny asked.

           ''Of course,'' Jaime answered.

            ''We will make sure to always be on hand in case anything goes wrong,'' Dick says. ''We all have your numbers.''

      ''What do mean by 'in case,' of course something will go wrong,'' White said. ''It's the Fentons, plus the Ghost Zone and a class of teenagers. If nothing happens, then we're in the Twilight Zone.''


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