Professor McGonagall began collecting our permission slips when Harry walked up to her. We began to make our way to the bridge, Harry looked upset.

"Sorry guys," he walked back into the castle.

"I feel kinda bad for him," I mumbled, putting my hands in the pockets of my leather jacket.

"Who?" Seamus asked, looking from Dean to me.

"Harry, I mean, unless he sneaks out, he can't go to Hogsmeade. Just because his Aunt and Uncle won't sign the stupid form," I replied.

"Eh, I think he'll be okay. Maybe he'll do something with himself, like study," he laughed, as did I. A cold wind swept across the bridge, I shivered. Seamus looked down and wrapped his right arm around my shoulders. Hannah was slightly ahead, holding hands with Carson. She leaned over and whispered to him. They both looked back and smiled at me, Hannah wave, I waved back, shaking my head, "They seem pretty excited about this date," Seamus chuckled to himself.

"Yeah, let's just say they've been rooting for us for a long time."

Once we arrived at Hogsmeade, Dean and the others split away from Seamus and I. He held my hand as we made our way to the all famous, Honeydukes. When we entered, the smell of chocolate and various other sweets filled our noses. I took in a deep breath and walked to the chocolate section.

"Don't chocolate give you migraines?" Seamus asked me.

"Only if I eat too much of it," I said. He reached above me and grabbed two chocolate wands and walked to the counter to pay. He walked back to me,

"Here," he held one out to me.

"You didn't have to you-"
"Well I did," he laughed,"deal with it." I smiled and grabbed the treat from him and bit into it.

"I do have to admit, this is delicious,: I exclaimed. We began to walk out and he put his arm around me again.

The day was long and tiring, but it was also the most fun I'd had in a long time. Ron was telling Harry about the joke shop and how they didn't make it to the Shreaky Shack. The stairs to the Gryffindor Common Room were moving to get us there. We noticed a jumble of people collected at the top.

"What's going on?" Harry asked.

"Probably Nevilles forgot the password again," Ron grumbled.

"Hey!" Neville exclaimed, obviously offended.

"She's probably trying to show them her 'singing skills'," I put my finger into quotes. All of a sudden,

"Let me through please, excuse me! I'm head boy!" Percy pushed passed the students on the stairs, "No one is to enter until it's been fully searched!"

"Why would it-" I was interrupted by Ginny.

"The Fat Lady! She's gone!" That's when we all noticed the large scratches on the painting. All the paintings were freaking out. I had a tendency to overly stress myself. My breathing quickened slightly, and I opened and closed my left hand. It didn't help that we were on a moving staircase over a hundred feet above the ground. I closed my eyes.

"You okay?" It was Seamus. I shrugged my shoulders. He grabbed my hand to stop it from shaking. Professor Dumbledore and Mr. Filch came barreling up the stairs.

"The headmasters here! Go on, move!" Percy shouted. We backed against the railing.

"Mr. Filch, round up the ghosts, have them search every painting in the castle. Find the Fat Lady," Dumbledore instructed.

"There's no need for ghosts, Professors. Fat Lady's there," We all rushed to the African painting Mr. Filch had pointed to. We all moved for Dumbledore. The Fat Lady was crying, but said,

"It's him, headmaster. The one they all talk about!"

"Oh no," I mumbled. I knew where this was going. I squeezed Seamus' hand.

"He's here," she breathed, "somewhere in the castle, Sirius Black!" we all began to murmur.

"He's in the castle?" Seamus said, "How?"
"The rest of you, to the Great Hall!"

"He's in the castle?" Seamus said, "How?""The rest of you, to the Great Hall!"

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