I get inside Nando's and look for Ronnie.  I am sure she is closing tonight.  She is almost here every night and I know she was off on Friday because of her date with the customer she talked about or something.

The restaurant is closing in half an hour and there are so few customers left, so I feel free to head on the other side of the counter and look for Ronnie.  I can't seem to find her anywhere so I really head to see my schedule.  I am working five days again this week from five to eleven PM.  I don't know how I could have kept up with this hectic lifestyle through all these years.  It only now seems like I am knackered of everything, mostly of running and pleasing everyone. 

"Grace?  You're back from London?"  The sweet cook called George asks me.  It makes me happy to see a cheerful face.  He always has something to say.  Despite our ten-year difference, we get along great.

"I am.  Have you seen Ronnie?"

"She switched shifts to cover yours.  She left at five with a customer it seems.  She wouldn't shut up about him."  He rolls his eyes, because Ronnie seems to be with a different man every week.  For the last two weeks, at least, I think it has been the same man.  She is so kind and pretty, I don't blame her.

"Well, you know how she can be."  I joke and smile at him.  "Thank you, George...  I'll try calling her instead."

"Take a table if you want.  Here's a glass, maybe you would like to get something to drink."  He so kindly offers me as he hands me the tall glass.

"There's no customer in my section.  I'll head there for a bit, thank you."  I inform him with a forced smile and head to a cozier part of the restaurant.

I fill my glass with grape Sprite and get seated.  I let my weight completely collapse on the chair and I hide my face in my palms.  I look blankly at the table and run through what happened with Steeve back into my head.

How did my life turn into such a mess?  Why am I not still satisfied with what I always had?  Why do I need to be wanting more?

All these questions make me think about Ash and it reminds me how I didn't text him all day and I promised him I would.  So, when my phone buzzes, I quickly assume it's him.  I don't know whether to be happy or not that it isn't.


Mr. Not Wright: Did you get home alright?

Me: I did.

His message makes me smile.  It makes me happy to see him care.  I know he must, but this is a concrete proof.  I want to make sure he knows how much this means to me.

Me:  Thanks for making sure.

Mr. Not Wright:  No problems.

Mr. Not Wright: Good night.

My heart skips a beat a second and I wonder if I should...  I don't know why I get so nervous all of the sudden.

Me: Marcel?

Mr. Not Wright: Oui?

Me:  Do you have an idea of when you'll come to Manchester?

Mr. Not Wright:  Not yet.  Why?  Did something happen?

I don't know what to answer him.  I am shaking internally from what happened, from how stuck I feel and, secretly, how scared I feel.  I really don't understand what is suddenly happening in my life.  I wanted to talk to Ronnie about it, but clearly Marcel is the only one in which I could confide in, but is it something I want?  He has been very caring and passionate about what is happening to me, but I still don't know him that much.  The bond we share is weird, but I genuinely feel this trust for him.  I can't really explain it...

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