"I am very happy you thought about all of this, but isn't this a bad timing with me always in London?"  I let out softly, but even my gentle tone doesn't suffice to not make him angry.

His jaw tenses up and he looks away, pursuing his lips together and settling on drinking his cup all at once.

"London...  It changed you, you know.  I can't wait for you to be done always going there on weekends."  He doesn't hide his frustration and I decide to keep it safe for tonight.  It isn't the time to stir everything, I will wait for Marcel to come for that.

It's weird how the thought of Marcel makes me calm and brings me comfort.  I find it cute.  Our relationship is weird and unconventional, but I am glad to have found a friend in him.  I never thought it could happen, but it did.  I just hope it can keep on getting better and we won't take a step backwards like we always seem to do.

I look back at Steeve, he is refilling his glass of 'champagne'.  I decide to settle the anger that was growing inside of him.

"Well, I won't be going there this weekend."  I say to him, with a bit of sadness inside of me as I know I won't see Ash this week.  It reminds me to text him.

"That's good news."  He smiles at me and gazes down at my lips.

He leans my way and pecks my mouth.  He lazily drags his lips to my cheek and then to my neck, making me feel quite awkward.  I can't reciprocate his lust at all, so I try to break the mood.

"My publisher will come here instead."

It works, he steps away and frowns heavily at me.

"Mr. Jerk is coming here?  When?"  He arrogantly lets out.

"I don't know and don't call him like that. He is actually pretty kind to drive all this way to come here."

"I will call him however I like."  He raises his voice and I instantly stand up to walk away from him, but he takes my wrist strongly in his hand.  "Don't go, I am not done celebrating with you tonight."

His tone was calmer as he pulled me back to him.  He makes me fall back on the couch next to him and he hovers over me to dominate me the way he so dearly loves to do.

"I missed you, baby girl."  He whispers and sneaks his lips back on the skin of my neck.  "I am going to fuck you so good..."  He lingers on every word and it disgusts me.

No you won't.  You can't.

"Stee, we can't."  I let out softly and try to push him away gently.

"Oh don't start.  We haven't had sex in forever."  He whines and refuses to get off me.

"Steeve, I said no."  I try to be firmer with him, but he doesn't even flinch.

"Come on!"  He groans in my ear and I rip away from him, completely horrified.

"Stop it!"  I get up and rush away from him my heart racing in my chest, my hands shaking.  I hurry to look at him from afar to not make him madder and suffer his wrath.  I need to think quick.  "I said we can't...  I am bleeding." 

I am happy I thought about this quick because I know it disgusts him only the idea of it, so I know he'll be bummed, but he won't force himself anymore.  I am truly shaken that it has become this way between us. 

"I think I will head downstairs to see my schedule for the week.  Don't wait up."  I tell him and hurry out without looking back as he doesn't even apologise.  Jerk!

I get my phone out of my pocket looking for somebody to confide in. I am truly upset and I need to let out some of my steam.  My heart is racing out of my chest from the adrenaline I had to fight him off me.  I don't know how far he would have gone.  Would he have forced himself on me?  The truth is, I don't know anymore...

FALLEN (NOW PUBLISHED ON AMAZON)Where stories live. Discover now