01| Zdravei Katerina

Start from the beginning

Katherine fiddled with one of her curls and avoided his eyes as she answered, "I was supposed to meet someone here, but they're yet to show up."

That was the honest truth. She had been praying that Elijah would show up any second and get her out of this situation before Klaus did something to her.

"And may this person be my foolish brother Elijah?" Klaus asked, despite his look saying that he already knew the answer. He looked amused when he saw the expression Katherine made at the mention of her lover.

"How did you know?" she asked, slightly nervous.

"I know everything sweetheart. I thought you knew this by now," he replied simply, taking his time to finish his drink before he stood up. "Unfortunately, you won't be seeing him any time soon."

In a swift motion he grabbed her arm and sped them out of the bar before snapping her neck. He quickly caught her before she hit the ground and carried her to the back of his car before anyone noticed a thing.


It was all too perfect. After witnessing his brother's cruel murder and then getting trapped in the Gilbert living room by the Bennett witch, Klaus needed an outlet for his frustration. What better way to ease his anger than finally capturing his nemesis after 500 years? Unfortunately for Katherine though, Klaus wasn't in the same good mood he had been in the last time he kidnapped her. He had not forgotten his promise to make Katerina Petrova's life a living hell for half the time he had used to chase her. His revenge was about to start soon, and it would be anything but pleasant.

Katherine blinked twice before waking up in a dimly lit room. She raised her head to quickly scope her surroundings before trying to get up, and it was then she realized her ankles were chained to the bed she was on. It was strange for sure, but another thought was more prominent in her mind. Elijah must be worried.

She felt an agonizing pain in the side of her abdomen, which made sitting up straight painful. She then attempted to break free from the chains wrapped around her ankles, but they were impossible to break. She assumed Klaus had put a spell on them.

Exhausted and overwhelmed with pain she laid back down, trying not to focus on the throbbing pain in her stomach. Instead, she focused on what Klaus could want with her. He would probably want revenge after she had fled from him that second time. Still, Katherine had a sneaking suspicion that Klaus had known she was on vervain that time, yet he let her go. Maybe he had been too busy with breaking the sun and moon curse to get revenge on little old her. Perhaps that was why he had let her go so easily.

They had always had the most complicated relationship, the two of them. Whenever he was in a playful mood, he would tease her to make her uncomfortable, vice versa. However, other days he would act wicked, torturing and controlling her like enemies usually do. And other moments were just unexplainable, where the atmosphere was strange and they could feel the lust in the opposite's breath. Although neither of them would ever admit it, something dark and twisted existed between them. A blurred line between love and hate. They cannot stand each other, yet they still can't bring themselves to kill one another. Perhaps it's because they both share the burning wish to not be alone for eternity. Even if it means the person you hate the most is the one you share eternity with, it feels better knowing you are not alone. They were the same.

Katherine heard the door creak open and lifted her head slightly to look at Klaus. She glared at him, trying to calm her racing heartbeat as she waited for him to say something.

"Ah, Katerina, you're awake. About time really," he chatted casually as if she wasn't literally chained to his bed right now. "How're you feeling? How pitiful you look... I almost feel sorry for you," he said with a smug expression on his face.

Katherine knew he was testing her, and she wouldn't let him get to her. She would not be weak in front of him.

"Would you like to get out of the chains, maybe?" he continued, keeping his mocking tone.

When Katherine nodded, he knelt at the bottom of the bed and started unlocking the chains. As soon as she was free she sped to the door, but before she could reach it she fell together in pain. She groaned and held pressure on her stomach where it hurt the most. When she pulled up her tank top she revealed a nasty wound on the side of her stomach, it looked like she had been bitten.

Katherine could feel her knees failing below her. She fell tumbling to the ground, but Klaus used his hybrid speed to catch her just before she hit the floor.

"Poor little thing, can't even stand on your own two feet," he smiled viciously as he looked down on her. She glared back up at him before tumbling to her feet, hastily pulling herself out of his grip. She had to sit back down before the pain killed her. It was then it dawned on her that he had given her a werewolf bite, again...

"No... No, this can't be happening. Just kill me," she begged, knowing it was futile since his answer would not be what she wanted to hear.

Klaus just laughed at her. "Your begging is like music to my ears, Katerina. You do look your best when you're suffering." He paused for a second before continuing with a sick expression. "I know you're well informed by now of what werewolf venom does to a vampire. You'll grow weaker with every minute that passes and the pain will only get worse until it gets so bad that you can't move. Only when you are on the verge of death and begging me on your knees for release, will I feed you my blood. And then, when you have felt the relief of being cured, I'll do it all over again." The smile on his face was wicked, and it was clear he drew a great amount of satisfaction from this whole torture plan he had cooked up for her.

Katherine's heart sank as her mind began to race with a million ways she could possibly escape from this situation. Very few of them seemed possible.

"Oh Katerina..." Klaus said with false pity as he pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, making her hold back a shudder. "Don't look so grim... The fun is just starting."

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