"She's from Alexandria, no doubt you know her. If she won't talk to me, maybe she'll talk to you." Negan said, finishing his eggs and letting me have his potatoes, knowing they're my favorite.

After breakfast, Negan took me to where the shooter was being kept, only to find the door already open and some mumbled words. I heard something tear and that's when Negan took action.

He stood behind David, the guard that was supposed to be watching the shooter. "David! What the hell do you think you're going in here?" I stood behind Negan, trying to get a glimpse of the prisoner.

"Do you really think I need you to answer that? I can see you were trying to rape this woman. Now David, you know that shit don't fly here. And I wouldn't want to be in a place where it did." Negan told him, his voice becoming aggressive and authoritative.

I was still trying to get a look at who the woman was, and just as I started to pay attention to what Negan was saying, he stuck a knife into David's throat. David dropped to the ground and I had to turn around.

Negan grabbed my shoulder. "You alright?" I nodded my head, taking deep breaths before turning around again.

"y/n?" I heard the woman say my name as Negan had Simon get her a new shirt. I moved beside Negan so I could see who it was, only to find Sasha huddled in the corner of the cell, keeping her distance from David's body.

"Sasha, you did this?" I asked, sounding hurt. As much as I still cared for the people of Alexandria and as much as I still mourned the death of Glenn and Abraham, this was my home now. "Why?"

"He needs to die." Sasha said, anger seething from her as she spoke and scowling at Negan.

"No. He was protecting his people, Alexandria would have done the same and you know it." I told her, suddenly getting defensive. Negan stepped in front of me, telling me he'd handle it.

I stood behind Negan, still able to hear everything that was being discussed. Negan handed her a knife, giving her options and letting her consider the idea of joining him. Negan closed and locked the door, assigning another guard to the cell.

"Do you think she'll join you?" I asked him as we made our way out to the trucks for a supply run.

"Do you? You know her better than I do." He said, putting Lucille in her usual resting spot on his shoulder. He looked over to me and raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know. She's been down this road before with her brother and her boyfriend's death. She's truly unpredictable." I told him as he helped me into the passenger seat of the truck.

I took a few deep breaths when I was finally settled into the seat. Negan got into the driver's seat and looked over at me. "You okay?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, just out of bre- ow! holy shit!" I grabbed my stomach where the baby had kicked and threw my head back.

"y/n?" Negan asked, getting worried, but I pushed it away. "I'm fine. The baby just kicked really hard." I assured him.

"Maybe this should be the last run for you." Negan said, pulling out of the Sanctuary. I continued to take deep breaths and focus on the scenery.

"Negan, I'm fine."I told him, not wanting to have to stay at the Sanctuary and worry about him, even though I know he can handle himself.

"No, after this that's it. You're seven months pregnant y/n, I'm not putting you or the baby in danger anymore."


Negan and I paid a visit to Sasha the next morning. He opened the door and Sasha was there, still alive and the knife Negan gave her was settled into David's head.

Negan told her the plan, about the coffin and everything. I wasn't completely with Negan on this, but he made it clear that it was happening whether I liked it or not.

"After they stand down, Lucille gets her three victims and we move forward with a new understanding." Negan said, kneeling down to Sasha's level and resting Lucille on this knees.

"I'll do it, but no one is dying" Sasha told him and Negan quickly rebutted.

"Wrong. They need to be punished, otherwise everything I have built is shit." Negan said, stern and without hesitation. Sasha tried to argue, but Negan wouldn't comply.

"One, just one person has to die." Sasha tried and Negan finally complied.

"Fine, one person has to die. We roll out in 45." Negan said, getting up and leaving, Simon closing the door to the cell behind him.

Negan and I made our way to the mess hall, wanting to eat before he left. We went to the front of the line, knowing that no one would mind considering it was Negan and grabbed anything we wanted.

We ate in silence, mostly because we had fought over my ability to handle myself on runs last night. I knew that it was a risk, but that didn't mean I couldn't help at all. I just didn't want to get to the point where I was useless because of the pregnancy.

After we ate, I walked with Negan out to the trucks, his men gathered around and waiting for him. Negan threw Lucille onto his shoulder and stood in the middle with me by his side as he gave a short speech to his men, getting them riled up.

The speech ended with everyone exclaiming, "I'm Negan." before getting into their designated vehicles.

"I guess I'll see you when you get back. And you better come back." I told him and he chuckled. "I'm serious."

"I know you are, sweetheart. I will come back, I promise." Negan said, kissing my forehead as he embraced me and felt the baby before getting into the truck.

"I love you." I said, under my breath, but when I saw him look back at me, I knew he heard me say it.

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