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She looked at me with red eyes. Her cheeks were still damp and puffy pink. I felt myself blushing as well, and it's not just because of the rain. It's how I suddenly felt the courage inside me burst out.


I felt my heart breaking. The strings being strummed harshly. I felt little needles piercing through my heart, poking experimentally as if to see if I feel any hint of pain. And I do.

"W...what?" She softly spoke. It was barely a whisper. Great. All the confidence, gone. My chest felt so heavy. I'm drained of energy to even speak. What does it matter anyways? I can't love her. I can't. I'll just endanger her. I'm dangerous. I can't--I can't lose her too. will hurt me. No. I can't. I can't. She...she's--

Lips. Soft. Lips.


She's kissing me. She's kissing me! Oh my God.

Oh my God oh my God oh my God--

Taro. Focus. Focus on her. Focus...on...

I closed my eyes and just before she can pull away I kissed back. She flinched, surprised. I couldn't blame her; I'm surprised myself. It was as if she brought back the confidence I lost earlier.

I'll admit: I'm not a good kisser. Heck, this is my first kiss! With a girl! But we moved slowly together as if we're already experts. It was slow but full of...passion. Her lips were soft and small. She tastes sweet vanilla and strawberries. That kiss alone made it clear.

That kiss confirms that I loved her.

We pulled away. My head felt light and my face was burning. I looked at her. She was smiling. Her signature buck teeth smile that made my stomach flutter. I couldn't help but smile too.

And we laughed. We laughed merrily in the rain without a care in the world. She was snorting, which makes her even cuter. The empty alley was filled with our laughter as the rain continued to pour from the grey skies. Suddenly the skies doesn't feel grey anymore.

Before I knew it, I'm kissing her. Again!

I felt sparks leave my body. My uniform was getting wet and so does hers. We've been sitting here drenched in the rain, kissing. How cliché. But I'll be cliché if it's with her.

We parted and I smiled at her. Happiness was swelling inside me that I want to kiss her again. Longer this time. But my conservative self got the best of me to remain my composure. When she spoke with seriousness it made me think back on what we were supposed to do.

"Let's finish her once and for all."


"First Kiss Under the Rain" by aiNkyy2k12

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