First Kiss, Azu-Nyan Love!

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Me, Azu-Nyan, Ritsu, Mio-chan, and Mugi-chan are making our way back to our hotel rooms after a long day of playing and sightseeing around London. London is so cool!! There's tea, and snacks, and cake... but I had some trouble enjoying it all. I'm trying to think of something for Azu-Nyan's song. We all want to thank her for always being so reliable, and cute, and joining the light music club, even if she does seem angry at times, though that's cute too. I want the song to be world class for her, Azu-Nyan really is the best, I love her so much.

"See you later~!"
Ritsu said to Me and Azu-Nyan as she Mio and Mugi go into the hotel room next to ours.

I said.

"I think I'll join them..."
"But you're with me Azu-Nyan."
I said putting a hand on her shoulder before she could leave. Azu-Nyan was acting a little weird, it was normal for her to reject my hugs and kisses, but she never wanted to actually be away from me. She was being so... er... distant! That's the word.


I froze up a little as Yui-Senpai grabbed my shoulder. She was hiding something I just know it. I thought at first she might be flunking senior year, but what I saw in that notebook last night... "Azu-Nyan Love"... I know Yui senpai is generally affectionate, but she can't mean love like... Love, love right?? Even so why do I feel nervous to be alone with her? My own feelings about her? N-No!! That's ridiculous!! I slowly enter the hotel room before Yui-Senpai. The light goes on and I turn around just in time to see her running at me, lips puckered up for a kiss.

"I'm Hooome!"

She yells as she charges me. I barely have time to think I squeal a little and turn around. My elbow flies back hitting her square on the stomach. She falls to the ground in pain. I move to her to see if she's seriously hurt.

"I'm Sorry! Are you alright Yui?"

She charged me with such affection I couldn't react. I have to say something now. Even if she's hurt she has to know I don't want that kind of love... Something like that with Yui-Senpai... I-it's wrong!!

"B-but you see... I-I'm just not like that!"
"Not like what? I was just going to hug and kiss my Gita"

It became obvious from where she landed that she wasn't aiming for me at all. She was going for her guitar. I had said something unnecessary, was th-that not even on her mind? If I was the only one thinking about it then... no it couldn't mean I had feelings for her right??? I go red in the face.

"Forgive me! I had the wrong idea, I'm sorry!"

I run to the bed and hide myself away under the covers where I tear up. I thought Yui-Senpai was going to do something different. I feel guilty about hurting her, but maybe I feel more sad that she wasn't doing what I thought she was doing.


I pull myself off the ground. Azu-Nyan really got me in the stomach. It was quite surprising and her saying "I'm just not like that" is still confusing to me. Not like what?

"It's okay, I guess the self defence book Ui gave me a few weeks ago came in handy"

Why is Azu-Nyan under the covers. Is she tired?

"Huh? Going to bed already?"

I still want to know what idea she had. I climb onto her bed and lay next to her. I pet her softly through the covers.

"What idea did you have Azu-Nyan? You can tell me."

Something about her being curled up in bed is cute, but does she seem a little flustered? What is there to be nervous about? It seems like Azu-Nyan is upset, almost crying.

"Azu-Nyan? What's wrong?"

There was no reply. I slowly tug at the covers... If Azu-Nyan is hurting then I have to fix it, I like seeing her smile.

"Yes Azu-Nyan?"
"I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm so so sorry!"

The little Azu-Nyan ball is squeezing tighter. She seems so tense. I wrap my arms around her and hold her close, I want her to feel safe.

"Don't worry, I'm more concerned about you.. You haven't looked this upset since I kept you all waiting at the festival after I got sick."

Poor Azu-Nyan, I cause her so much trouble.


Yui-Senpai is being more observant than usual. It was nice to feel her warm hug this time... no, her hugs were always great, I just can't be honest about how I feel. I could stay like this forever. I slowly poke my head out of the covers, though I find it hard to look Senpai in the eye. Next time Yui-Senpai hugs me, I'm going to hug her back.

"I'm okay senpai. I just feel bad about hurting you, I thought you were going to hug me like usual."
"Oh okay. Also, What aren't you like Azu-Nyan?"

Darn it, why was she focusing on that?? If I explain it to her, what would she say? I guess I can try and play it off.

"Well... I know it sounds silly, but I thought you were going to do it because you like me."
"I do like you Azu-Nyan"
"No, I mean... Love"
"I do love you Azu-Nyan"
"Like, Love love... You know, like a girlfriend"

I never thought I'd have to explain something like this to Yui-Senpai. I look to her face for a reaction. Her eyes are wide open and she's staring intensely at me. She seems to be thinking hard about it.

"It was silly of me."

She shakes her head and stares at me.

"I do love you Azu-Nyan."
"No, Yui-Senpai you aren't getting it"

She suddenly leans to me and kisses my lips softly with hers. My eyes open wide. I feel like I should shove her off, but I don't really want to, even if I did, my body feels frozen. I briefly feel her tongue lick my lips before she pulls away.


Well I'm not done yet, but it's getting late and I'm tired. Leave any criticism in the comments. I obviously take a few liberties with their personalties, but I stay as close as I feel I can whilst making them romantic. I will continue this story. Thank You for reading.
O.O.G. out.

Azu-Nyan Love! (Yui Hirasawa x Azusa Nakano) あずにゃんLOVE (平沢唯❤︎中野梓)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin