Chapter 4.

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sorry ive taken a while to update but I've been super busy with the end of my high school year and with college now :) so please excuse me but here's another chapter. xo



Meanwhile Marcel was looking for work, I decided to clean up the apartment, wiping down the counters and making the bed. It didn't take long because we had little in the apartment but most of the furniture came with it. Once it looked somewhat presentable, I looked around to do something and that's when I noticed Marcel's old glasses.

Carefully picking them up, I held them in my hands and memories of the old Marcel flashed into my eyes. I remembered the first time he knocked on my door, so nervous and unsure of himself, the way he could barely look at me. I thought he was the cutest thing. The first time we kissed, he was so pure, completely new to everything.

He really grew as a person, no longer being the socially awkward boy he used to be. Now he was so confident with himself and so, sexy. I love that he's broken out of his shell but at the same time, I miss the old him. It reminded me of the time when I had no other worries besides my grades. I didn't have to worry about the cops, or my crazy ex-boyfriend after us.

I sigh, putting the old glasses away inside a drawer and head to the bathroom. I turn the switch on before taking a look at myself in the mirror. Touching my hair, I frowned at the length.

I missed my old hair, it was beautifully blonde and as soft as silk. I worked so hard to maintain my locks healthy as they could be.

"Well if I'm going to change my look, I might as well go big." I say to myself and reach under the sink for the box of hair-dye.


As I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around myself, I wipe the foggy mirror and take a look. The soaked locks that lay on my head are now dark, no longer the sun-kissed color they once were, but a deep shade of chocolate brown. The tone matching my eyes perfectly and making my skin look porcelain. I know I'll miss my old hair but since I chopped it all off, there wasn't much to lose.

Marcel seemed to like my haircut, what would he think about this? My eyes widen as I remember him. Shit! What would he think? Would he like it? Hate it? I had dyed my hair out of pure bravery but forgotten all about other people's opinions. But Marcel wouldn't mind it, would he?

No, he loves me, no matter my appearance, I must remind myself of this. He'll love it, I'm sure. Trying to not dwell on it for long, I exit out of the bathroom quickly and decide to change into some warm clothes.

Quickly slipping on some leggings and one of Marcel's sweaters that reach at the top of my thighs, I towel dry my hair and read the newspaper to waste some time.

Flipping through the pages, I find mostly articles of sports-athletes and cheesy comic cartoons. I laugh at the last one before changing the page. My eyes widen as I see the main title of it.

Just before I can continue reading, the door sounds a click and opens to reveal Marcel. A grin from ear to ear on his face and I quickly put the newspaper on the table. "Hi honey!" I exclaim as he picks me up and twirls me around.

"Oh my god, babe, you'll never guess!-" He stops as he notices something. "What happened?"

"Oh, what?" My blood runs cold.

"What did you do to your hair?" He smiles, surprised.

"Oh this?" Oh thank goodness. "I just dyed it darker, go big or go home right?... Do you like it?"

Different Way of Living × h.s marcel a.uWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt