Chapter 3.

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The cool, wet air hits my cheeks as soon as I walk out of the apartment complex, making the tip of my nose flush. I rub my hands together to stay warm until I reach my car.

Well not really a car, more like this piece of junk I bought from some sleazy car salesman for cheap price. But I did it for Elizabeth, I'll always do anything for her.

Unlocking the car, I quickly open the door and jump in the vehicle. I turn on the engine and start to warm up the car. Turning on the radio for some tunes, I switch to the next channel and suddenly I hear another news report.

"It's been 3 weeks since 18 year old Elizabeth Marie and Marcel Edwards have gone missing, presumed to be kidnapped. Detectives are on the case, suspect of the kidnapping is Mitchell Jenkins, currently his location is unknown so if you have any information please call-"

Immediately I turn off the radio angrily at the mention of that monsters name. Look what he did, he did this to my girl. To my Elizabeth. She keeps blaming herself for this good for nothing's mistakes and actions.

She doesn't deserve this shit, she deserves the world. And I'm going to give that to her. I'll give her all the love and support she will ever need. I'll be there for her through anything and I'm here to stay.

Shaking my head from my thoughts, I put the car in drive and start to head to downtown.

When I finally reach downtown, it's a bit crowded. There seems to be some traffic but doesn't take too long as the pace begins to speed up again. I look at the buildings as I pass to see which office would be fit for me.

Deciding to get a closer look, I park the car in the public parking lot and get out of my car. I walk around nervously, checking the names of the buildings before I find one, mid-street.

Instantly walking in, I see the front counter with what seems to be the receptionist. I walk up to the counter and I'm greeted by a young lady, an annoyed look on her face as she takes a call. She looks up at me and immediately hangs up with a "please hold," before throwing me a smile. Interesting.

"How can I help you?" She greets me, a perky tone in her voice.

"Uh, I'd like see about a job interview." I say with my new voice. She nods and begins typing on her computer before turning to me again.


"Harry, Harry Styles."

She types it in but a frown settles on her features. "Sir, did you make an appointment?" I shake my head embarrassed.

"Well, I can't really let you in for a job interview unless you make an appointment." She says, uneasily.

"Really?" Time for plan B. "Well that's just great." I fake a groan.

"I'm sorry." She squeaks. "Perhaps you can come back another time?"

"No no it's okay," I rub my temples. "I'll just have to break it down to my granny easily."

"Your granny?"

"Yes, but I wouldn't want to bother you with my problems-you know what, you seem like a sweet girl so i'll just tell you," I semi-flirt and she flushes at my compliment. "my grandmother is ill, really ill and I thought I could get a job here to help pay her medical bills."

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry!" She looks heartbroken.

I nod sadly. "We came here so I could gain more money to pay for her medicines, but.. I guess she'll just have to go another day without them.. thanks for your help anyway love." I turn around to leave and she immediately calls my name.

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