The Carnival

558 23 42

Never forget you: Zara Larsson

April's POV

Kill me, please just kill me. I won't fight back, just end my suffering!!!

"Come on April, we're going to be late!" Georgia says excitedly while pulling me to the entrance of the carnival.

"Why did I agree to this..." I whisper to myself as I regret my whole life

"April, you promised me that you would come to the fair with me and Aquamarine. I know you hate big places like these, but it'll be fun! Also, I'll even let you "Accidentally" hit the guy in the face when you do the ball throwing booth." Georgia says smirking. I do like the sound of that...

"Whatever..." I say casually as I let Georgia continue to lead me. She continues to hang onto me me as we get to the entrance. We pay for our tickets and we go to where Aqua said she'll meet us. Except, she wasn't alone...

"Why the hell is Logan and Grayson here?!" I shouted out angrily. I'm not dealing with this crap.

   "Grayson wanted to tag along and brought Logan with him. Now stop complaining and help me hold Aqua from killing Logan!" Georgia shouts as she sees Aqua chasing Logan.

   "Why would I do that? Now this is quality content." I said impressed at how fast Aqua is running to get to Logan. He might be a football player and she might be short, but damn can she run. Run Forrest run!

   "You're no help what's so ever!" Georgia yells at me while she joins in the wild goose chase

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   "You're no help what's so ever!" Georgia yells at me while she joins in the wild goose chase. They look like the three stooges as everyone else looks at them weirdly.

   "I told Logan not to hit on Aqua, but did he listen? Of course not." Grayson says as he stands besides me as we watch the show.

   "What did he say that made Aqua so pissed off? She can usually take people's crap." I asked genuinely curious. She doesn't like showing people satisfaction in her reactions... she's no fun.

   "He didn't just say it, he might've touch her butt also..." Grayson says embarrassed and disappointed

   "What an idiot..." I say in disbelief that someone that idiotic would do that. Oh wait, this is Logan we're talking about

   "10 bucks says Aqua kills Logan." Grayson says

   "20 bucks says she'll kill him by throwing off the ferries wheel." I say smirking while holding my hand out

   "Deal." He says shaking my hand, but we don't take our eyes off the stooges.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!" Aqua screams out as she tackles Logan to the ground. Geez, even off the field he still gets tackled. Maybe if he was actually good he wouldn't have that problem.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 04, 2017 ⏰

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