Rule Breaker

501 21 18

Theme song: I really don't care; Demi Lovato

   Carla's POV

School has ended and I'm kinda upset about it. It was fun just us zodiacs hanging out because we didn't really talk over the summer. Sure we were all forced to be there, but that doesn't matter.

I'm currently in the car with my best friends Lily and Sadie. We all decided to hang out at Sadie's house because we wanted to catch up more and work on a few assignments.

"So Sadie, what exactly happened at lunch?" I say glancing at her for a second, then back at the road because I'm driving.

"I would rather not talk about it." Sadie pouts. Great, here we go. In five... four... three... two...

"AARON IS SUCH A JACKASS!!! WHY THE FUCK DID HE DO THAT?!?!?! I WAS JUST TRYING TO BE NICE TO HIM AND TRY TO GET HIM INCLUDED. BUT NOOOOO, HE WOULD RATHER BE A CLASS A DOUCHEBAG!!!!!" Sadie rants while screaming her head off. I wait until she calms down to say...

"Better now?"

"Ya..." Sadie says softly

"Good. I'm sure things will work out Sadie. You know how much Aaron "Dislikes" school, he was probably still pissed off about it. Just give it time." I offered

"Ya, you're probably right. Now onto important matters. Lily since when were you able to see into the future?" Sadie asked Lily who was quiet the entire time

"I didn't even care at the time, I just thought it was just a coincidence. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I can't wait for school tomorrow. I want to start learning more about my ability." Lily said sounding excited at the end

"And I thought Carla was the only one who liked school." Sadie whispered

"I heard that." I complained

"You were supposed too. Also, why do we have to wait until school when we can do it in my backyard." Sadie suggested wiggling her eyebrows

"Because our teacher told us not to because of the consequences." I pointed out

"He's not going to find out. Come on, I wanna figure out how I teleport already!" Sadie complained

"It would be cool if I could go invisible." I whispered to myself

   "So what do y'all say? Wanna give it a shot?" Sadie asked

   "I'm in, but I have absolutely no clue how to activate my power. So that's going to be kinda hard." Lily says

   "And you Car?" Sadie asks me

   "I don't know yet. I'll wait until you do yours first to make up my decision." I said trying to play it safe. No matter how fun it'll be, I'll most likely not do it. I don't want to face the consequences.

   "Okay, whatever you say. How much longer do we have anyways?" Sadie asks

"This is your house we're going to idiot, you tell us." Lily says turning around to face Sadie

"Oh.... ya...... I forgot." Sadie said laughing at the end

Time skip to when they're about to practice their abilities

   Still Carla's POV

   This is so stupid. They're going to get themselves killed. Oh well, it's their own faults. I tried convincing them not to do it since we got back, but no luck.

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