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//: pic of Mayah on the side btw//


"Vannaaaa,wakeup honey breakfast is waiting." My mother sang to me as she walked into my room.

"Hnsbsjzgbaja" I mumbled into my pillow.

"Come on Hun. Today you have school, you can't miss it." She said as she sat next to me rubbing my back.

"Why not?" I whined taking the cover off my face and looking at her.

She chuckled before speaking,"because, remember me and your father gave you that extra time to spend from school after spring break?" She asked while flashing her pearly whites. I love my mom she was nice and humble. She was never the type of mom that bragged about how man Red bottoms she had just sitting there in her closet. Or how many BMW's, and Lamborghini's she had in her gourage. Or how big our house was and the money we had, or the fact that I was worth more than anyone-one on this earth could afford. She never bragged. And that's what I loved about her.

She had a honey roast skin complection, Pretty curly short hair, even though it was longer in the winter. But I guess because it was becoming summer so fast, she decided to cut it. Her eyes were hazel and she had multiple piercings on her left ear, a tattoo of my name up her right side of her body, coke body shape, and the prettiest smile I've ever seen. every time I looked at her I always wondered how did I become so lucky to have her as my mother. Or even as a societ at that. She was just soo amazing in my eyes. And I thank my dad for picking a good one. My mom was fully Dominican and from the Bronx. She never let her street side come out around me, unless I upset her, my dad upsets her, or work is involved. She always kept it civilized around me. She was always so sweet and comforting when I needed it. She was just like another bestfriend to me. I could tell her everything.

"Yeah.....but that wasn't enough ma" I whined.

She smiled at me again,"I think it was Bonita. Now, please get up and get dressed. You have school, and your going. I thought you wanted to graduate school... if I knew you wanted to be dumb Bonita I would have never put you in school. I would have sent you to the Bronx with the rest of the delinquents." She joked

"Hahaha mom. Very funny." I said while getting up running my hands through my hair. "I'm getting up, I'm getting up." I stretched.

"Good, your breakfast is down stairs on the counter waiting for you and so are your keys. I'm going to the office to fax some papers and check on some clients." She began out the door, but before she left officially she turned back toward me half way out my door,"and please be safe vanna...... No s-" I cut her off cause I know what she's was gonna say. She says it every day.

"Yeah, yeah ma I know I know." I said while pushing her out the door.

"And what's that?" She said with an eyebrow up and pressure out to her right foot with her hands on her hips.

"No speed racing to school, no texting while driving, and no BS'ng" I mocked her

"Mmmm, what eles?" She said holding back a smile.

"Before you step foot out the car with ya friends be sure you look like a dime piece. Don't brag cause that's dead" I said in her voice.

She smiled at me and we both laughed." I taught you so well." She said while whipping a few fake tears from her eyes.

"Yeah ma, your the best." I said while giving her a hug.

"Alright now get dressed." She said while walking away.

"Luuuh ya" I yelled out my door

"Te'amo Bonita!" She yelled back before walking out the house.

Minutes later I heard her engines roar and pull out the drive way on her way to work. My mom is the most successful lawyers in the state. She works hard for what she has, and even then when she didn't have it she had it. I hope that makes sense to you. I hurried and went into my bathroom to strip and take a 10 minute bath. Usually I would take a shower to hurt up, but this time I wanna be able to sit back and relax. Y'know....think. I quickly got into my warm steamy bath filled to the top with bubbles and just sat there. I thought about my life and what's happened so far. The hell I was in just recently. It's been 3 weeks since I've seen Saint, and to be honest it's been great without all the arguing and fighting. But then again it was lonely because I couldn't see his face or be able to cuddle with him a night after our fights. It kinda sucks.

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