That Kiss Tho

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I woke up in my bed, and felt something heavy on my chest. I looked down and saw savanna laying on my bare chest. Man, she was beautiful. I caught myself smiling at the fact she was laying on my chest. She shifted in the bed saying something, but I couldn't really make it out. I looked over at my clock and seen it said 11:40. So being the gentlemen I am..... I decided to get up and make her breakfast. Today were going to get her some clothes. Considering that she has nun here. I got out of bed and took a quick shower before throwing on something fresh and walking downstairs to make breakfast.

I was done making the pancakes and bacon, so now I'm making the eggs. Usually I would cook a big breakfast but .....I don't want ol homegirl getting too comfortable. She ain't welcomed here frfr. After, I scrapped the eggs into a bowl I heard foot steps coming down the stairs behind me. I put the pots in some dish water and turned around to see savanna standing in the door way looking all shy.

"Good mornin beautiful" I said with a smile. She just looked at me confused.


"Good mornin beautiful" saint said with a smile. I was soo confused as to what was going on. Just lastnight he said we weren't friends and made me feel unwanted.....but now he's up making breakfast with a smile.

"Ummm.......I made some pancakes, bacon and eggs. You hungry?" He said while stuffing his hands in his pocket, and leaning on the counter.

"Starving..." I said while trying to force a smile but failed. He chuckled and turned to make my plate. I sat at the island in the kitchen an watched him. His isn't living bad at all for a thug and a kidnapper. You may be asking why am I not runnin. Well, because last time I tried to run he gripped me up by my hair and threw me. So I'd rather not take my chances.

Once he was done fixing my plate he sat it infront of me and started on his. I looked at it and examined it. Yes he was being nice now but that doesn't mean he won't try to kill me.

"What kind of bacon is this? Is it pork?" I asked. I don't really eat pork. something about it makes my stomach all bubbly and I get extremely sick.

"Yes. It's pork, is that a problem savanna?" He said a little annoyed.

"I don't eat pork. It makes me sick." I stated.

"We'll you gonna eat that shit today!" He yelled annoyed. I don't know what for tho. I should be annoyed, I've been kidnapped and forced to stay with someone who doesn't even know how to treat a girl and had no freaking heart.

"Nooooo, I'm NOT eating this shit! So take it away!" I yelled back matching his tone. I was now annoyed. I'm tired of him thinking he can do or say what ever he wants to me. Yeah, I may be quiet and friendly and all but you will NOT run all over ME. Bad idea tho. he turned toward me and walked toward me yanking at my arm.

He grabbed my hair and slapped my three fucking times. That's was not going down like that. After, he slapped me around I punched him in his face and knee'd him in his balls, making him hunch over. I ran as fast as I could to his bathroom in the room and locked myself inside.

Minutes later, he came banging on the door threatening me and calling me out my name.

"Bitch, get yo ass out here. Yo ass gonna get it!!" He yelled behind the door.

"Fuck you, pussy. I hope you die for this shit! Putting ya fucking hands on me!" I yelled back while sitting on the floor crying. Why did I have to be put in this position? Why am I being forced to play this roll? I don't like it. I sat there and cried some more while he continue to shout at me. 15 minutes later I heard him walk away from the door and sit on the bed. It was quiet as hell, and all I could hear was him sigh and my cries.

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