“Say your piece.”  Nik’s voice reached her before he did.  He crossed his arms, coming to stand next to her.  “You believe me now, don’t you?”

“You were right.  I have been playing slack with my skill.”  She told him quietly and turned.
Caleb pressed his lips together, halting his steps.

“Now why would you go and do that?”  Nik demanded, straightening up, cautious all of a sudden.

She flinched at his tone, but kept her head up.  “Because the truth will tear us all apart.  We are no longer functioning as one council.  Everyone knows something, but we don’t trust each other enough to spit it out.”

“Why don’t you start?”  Caleb narrowed his eyes at her and copied Nik’s stance.

“The Crimson’s responsible for the attacks…I have a feeling we’re all missing something vital.  I don’t understand.  Dante may want to get the credit himself.  You seem to want to go off by yourself.”  She pointed at Nik. “And Caleb, you and I worked so well together in the past, but I can see where you stand now.” 

“If this is some guilt trip you want me to go on, count me out.”  Nik told her flatly.  “I’m all out of pity, and my conscience is clear.”

“All I’m asking is for us to work together.  If I share what I know so far….Will you do the same?”

Nik looked away thoughtfully, but looked up again when Caleb began to speak.

“Again, I’m with you on this, Nik, although I haven’t a clue as to what’s really happening and you guys are dancing around it.  This reeks of danger but I’m in regardless of how bad it gets.”    Caleb told her.

Ulrica nodded her acceptance and then gestured to Nik.  “And you?”

“Tell me what you know, and I’ll tell you if we’re on the same page.”  He offered with a shrug.

It wasn’t what she wanted to hear from him, but she nodded.  They had to begin somewhere…


This time when she held her hand forward to shake, Nik grasped it firmly in his warmer one, and Caleb covered both their hands with his murmuring, “No more secrets…’.

A tentative truce began as she told Nik what her doubts were, and he confirmed it was the same as his.  Between the three of them, Dante was looking more like a huge black spot on a white tablecloth instead of the usual ironfisted Guardian. 


Hidden by the narrow wooden pillar, Kai pressed himself firmly to her.  The solid length of his body against her feminine curves offered just enough pressure to make her want to forget they had guests inside.  His tongue danced with hers sensually and he leaned in, deepening their kiss until she was breathless.  She could feel his emotions tearing through her.  She knew what he wanted to do, but she couldn’t see herself accepting it.  It was suicide, plain and simple.  Medea was right.  If she wasn’t careful with her feelings, she’d literally be the noose around his neck.  She poured all her love into that kiss, reminding him over and over again, that she was alright.  That they would get through this together, and that he didn’t have to go forward with what he’d planned.  A small rumble sounded from deep in his chest, the little noise making her shudder with desire.  The world shivered crazily around her and left her wondering if she was dreaming.  Kai pulled away from her mouth slowly, one hand still cupping her cheek, the other tangled in her hair.  His eyes were dark, mirroring her own with the amount of passion and love they held as they struggled to calm their breaths.  It took a few moments for her brain to clear from the fuzz he always put her in, and then she realized that they were no longer on the porch, but across the lake.  Confused, she looked around questioningly.

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