Date In The Woods

Start from the beginning

Y/N: Well, shall we go?

I spoke as I grabbed her hand, holding it tight. She smiled with a blush and nodded, interlacing our fingers as we headed out. We followed the same path that I took when I found Sally, walking down the path along the stream as we passed the countless trees that hid the sun from view. We eventually reached the waterfall, the clearing opening up to the sun. It was bright, warm, and the mist from the water was surprisingly warm. It was like something was heating it, maybe an underground heat source of some kind? It certainly wasn't the sun making it this warm.

We set up our things behind the waterfall where I'd first met Sally, placing down the tent and food. We had a nice little picnic ready to enjoy once we set it up. After putting together the tent, Ann and I left the cave with some of the food and a big blanket and set up in front of the waterfall.

Ann: This is nice.

Y/N: Yeah, so peaceful.

We stayed silent for a while. It wasn't an awkward silence, but a peaceful silence. It felt nice to just lay back and let go of your troubles. And this week had given me much trouble. I closed my eye as I lay back before I felt a weight on my chest. I looked to see Ann laying on me with a smile. I smiled back and we continued to lay there in peace as the sound of the waterfall filled our ears.

Ann's POV

It was so nice, being with Y/N. Just us, no one to interrupt... no one to hear. I wanted to do something with Y/N while we spent the night out here. Even if the silence was nice, I wanted to be with Y/N. I got an idea and sat up. 

Y/N: Huh? Something up Ann?

Ann: We should swim!

Y/N: Swim?

Ann: Yeah, if the water isn't too cold.

I went over to the river and put my hand in the large pool to feel that the water was almost hot. It was like a mild hot spring. I'd never been out here before for swimming so I never noticed.

Ann: It's the perfect water

Y/N: Awesome! But... do we have anything to swim in?

I realized that I hadn't brought a swim suit. How stupid of me! He even said we'd be going to a waterfall in the lake! My one chance to show off my body to Y/N, gone... Wait. There was one other option... As if reading my mind, Y/N spoke up.

Y/N: Well, we could... not wear anything...

I looked at him in shock as he said exactly what I'd been thinking. He had a bright red face and seemed uncomfortable, shifting around in his seat, avoiding eye contact. 

Ann: I-I guess I could... but only because it's with you...

Y/N: O-Okay... I'll let you undress f-first and get in the water i-if you want.

Ann: R-Right!

I got undressed as Y/N looked the other way out of respect and I slipped into the warm, shallow water. It almost went up to my shoulders and I gave Y/N the heads up that I was done. I then turned around as he changed. I couldn't help myself though and took a peek, seeing his naked body from behind before I averted my face as it heated up enough that I could have made the water even warmer. I heard Y/N get in the water right behind me so I turned around to see his face looking relaxed. 

The water was warm like a nice bath when you're just getting in. Only this bath was huge and I was naked in it with Y/N! The waterfall made it so that you couldn't see under the water, so our dignity was protected, making it safe to look at each other.

Y/N: This feels amazing! I didn't think it would be so warm!

Ann: Me neither... Hey, Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah? 

Ann: C-Could you come closer?

Y/N: Uh, o-okay... 

He came closer until he was right in front of me. I looked away a bit before I looked at him again. I wanted to kiss him so badly. I wanted to grab his face and pull it to mine. So I did. I cupped his cheeks and brought our lips together in a passionate kiss. He jumped in shock at first but soon melted into it. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I felt our bodies press against each other. I noticed that he was around the same height as me, only a little taller, so my breasts pushed against his chest. 

He licked my lip for entry but I decided to tease him and refused. In response, he grabbed my butt and gave a squeeze, making me moan into the kiss allowing him to slip his tongue in. After a minute, we broke apart for air. We were both panting with blushing faces as we stayed in the water, holding each other. He looked me in the eye and smiled as he spoke the words I'd wanted to hear from him so badly.

Y/N: I love you.

I had a smile bigger than any I'd ever had before as I hugged him close.

Ann: I love you too!

We continued the hug for a while before we broke apart.

Y/N: Let's get to sleep.

Ann: Right.

Timeskip brought to you by Y/N falling off the roof and landing on Clockwork

After we slept, we got up in the morning and had fun. Swimming, jumping off the small waterfall, and laying together.

Y/N: This was nice.

Ann: Yeah, I needed this.

Y/N: It's getting late, we should head back soon.

Ann: Right. We can have fun back at the mansion~

Y/N: You read my mind.

We laughed for a second before we packed up and walked back to the mansion. It was sundown and the others were all going to sleep, so we quietly put away our things. When we went upstairs, we noticed that Y/N's room was fixed. Y/N smirked and brought me into a deep kiss. I was surprised at first, but quickly kissed back. We backed into the room and he closed and locked the door behind him. We continued out kiss for a few minutes, our tongues fighting for dominance. I won, and began to push him towards the bed.

A/N: Hey! Thanks for reading! No lemon yet, but it's up next! Look forward to that!

Yami: That was such a cockblock...

A/N: Sorry, but I have this all planned out. Plus, the lemon is long enough to be it's own chapter.

Yami: I think you enjoy selling your soul for these lemons...

A/N: What? No, preposterous! I wouldn't sink so low!

Yami: Mhmmmm...

A/N: Uhh... Signing off!


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