Tatoos- Mikey

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I stood next to Mikey, shaking slightly. He'd sensed this and was holding me tight, he'd reassured me that it'd be fine. But I wasn't too sure. The thought of getting a tattoo right now freaked me out, I had no clue why I decided to get one.

"Your doing great, it looks great" Mikey looked straight into my eyes, everything seemed to be distant. All that mattered was that I was here with him, he was holding my hand and he loved me. I smiled back at him, wincing slightly as the pain started to kick in. I squeezed his hand and he looked as if he wanted to reach out and hold me tight. Believe me, I wanted that very much too.

Eventually the pain stopped, I breathed deeply as the tattoo artist brushed it slightly before stopping. Seeming satisfied with her work. I looked at my arm, there it was. It was small but bright, a small green vine, wrapping itself around my arm. I sat up slightly and Mikey let go of my hand, helping me up and pulling me into a close embrace.

I payed up and we walked to his flat, his arm over my shoulder protectively. If this was what happened when I got a tattoo, I wanted another one.

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