Birthday- Rye

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I hugged my chest as I sat on my bed looking at the wall sulking. It was my birthday, I was supposed to be happy, but Rye was on tour and wouldn't be back for a month. He hadn't even texted me, like he promised he would. He was supposed to be my boyfriend and he'd never missed my birthday before.

I heard my mum and dad call my name for the 5th time and I silently trudged downstairs. I looked through the door to find my presents and my mum and dad waiting for me. Mum had that twinkle in her eye, I knew something was happening. I rolled my eyes and walked in, sitting down on the plush carpet and looking at the floor. My mum sighed
"Come on y/n cheer up, open your presents" I smiled weakly and began to tear open a gift wrapped in shiny silver paper. Inside was about 6 books, a few DVDs and chocolate. I couldn't help but smile a bit, after a few attempts at cheering me up my parents gave up hope. Before I returned to my room my mum gave me another present, winking mischievously. I walked upstairs and closed my bedroom door behind me, the paper was brown with a messy red bow. I read the tag
Happy birthday princess
Rye x

Gently opening the wrapping and the lid of the box inside I found a single note.
Go to your garage

Deliberately avoiding my parents, I hurriedly made my way to the garage and slowly opened the door. Cringing as it creaked, the light was on. I heard shuffling in the corner, before it stopping abruptly. I had an idea of who it might be.

Turning around slowly, I found myself face to face with Rye Beaumont grinning down at me.
"Surprise!" He said loudly, giving me jazz hands. He opened his mouth to speak again but before he had the chance, I leapt upon him. Hugging him tight and never wanting to let go. I felt him tense up and then relax, wrapping his arms around my waist and whispering in my ear "happy birthday beautiful"

Sorry this was so short, and that it was crap

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