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Life is clockwork.

Every tick, every shift in the gears is a new moment

To live, to breathe, to do something useful.

All these precious little moments,

All these seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months -

And, yet, I spent them on you.

Even the broken clock that you set me on was right twice a day.

You gave me what I wanted, what I still pine for.

But suffering through your hell made me wary of your heaven.

You had too many thorns for such a small flower.

You ran out of time, darling.

Now you're headed counterclockwise as I go in the opposite direction.

There are only so many numbers on a clock,

Only so many hours in a day to be happy.

I'm going to take those hours for myself.

Goodbye, my love, my torturer, my idol.

Thank you for the memories.

They're all just memories now, and I have to make more without you.

Time will never stop going forward.

Neither will I.

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