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War is the occupation of our lives.

Hatred runs deep in your blood, resentment in mine.

You refuse to confront it, and I refuse to confront you.

Add pain to pain, silence to silence.

Maybe they will cancel each other out, somehow.

I am horrified by what we have become.

Nothing can stop our love from thriving,

Or keep it from repairing.

This I believe, I believe with all my soul.

Every day is another step.

Never forward, only back, or to the left, or the right,

Onto territory that I'd rather not tread.

Unchanged by my pleas, you don't kiss me like you used to.

Give me your touch, I need you the way this drought-stricken earth needs rain.

Have at me the way you did before.

Find me the way you found me so long ago.

Open your heart while mine bleeds,

Run to me, hold me, love me.

You are still the love of my life, no matter how

Obstinate, selfish, angry, and

Uncaring you are now.

Why am I not enough for you?

You are all I need.

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