The Skies of the God

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Of fucking course this refers to Zeus.  The almighty God of the Sky, Wind, Thunderstorms, Shitheadiness, Assholery,and all that good stuff.

This also means we will get to see Zoexia once more again.

I think in this book Zeus and Joexia will have an altercation deeming them both "single". Zeus then will get bitchy and all that good shit. Probably drink some Jack and get  drunk.

Yeah but back to the serious things.  The skies are one of Zeus's domains and he his the "King God ". Now back to a previous book it mentioned that God and Ra were missing. 

Now correct me if I am mistaking but,  isn't Ra refered to as ruling the Sky(Underworld and Earth) hence maybe why he is missing. So, he is an Egyptian Sky God

God is know for Heaven which is in the God deeming him as an Christian Sky God.

This could also mean they A.  Went hiding together in fear of what maybe will happen to them or B. The shifter has gotten them captive and is going to get Zeus.

I have theorized that the shifter needs all of the Sky God's together to perform the ultimate sacrifice. As we all know without the sky and all its attributes most forms of life will cease to exist.


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