Doctor Who: The Fan Fiction

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After the Earth was transported to the Medusa Cascade by the Daleks, the Doctor and Donna Noble managed to return to Earth. Once there, they were transported to the Crusible with Rose Tyler and Captain Jack Harkness. Then, Martha Jones contacted the Crusible threatening to destroy the earth by using the "Osterhagen Key". Captain Jack, Mickey Smith, Sarah Jane Smith and Jackie Tyler also threatened to detroy the Crusible.

Eventually all the Daleks were destroyed, and Davros appeared to die (?). All the Doctors friends went back to were they needed to go. Unfortunately, Donna had taken on a Time Lord mind and it would kill her. The Doctor had to wipe her mind of all her adventures with him, and a part of her "died". He was left alone, and not wanting another Companion who's life would be messed up by travelling with him.

Then he fought off the Cybermen in Victorian England. He then saved the Earth from destruction at Easter 2009. He was still alone, and thought that it would be for the best.

The Doctor is off on a brand new adventure. Along with his trusty TARDIS and Sonic Screwdriver, this is set to be the Doctors greatest adventure yet. Meet old enemies and new friends along the way. Join the Doctor as he travels throughout Time and Space. Although the adventure is one of the most enjoyable ones, it is doomed to end in sadness.

Doctor Who: The Fan Fiction - Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now