| Chapter 1: The Return of the Queen |

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* Door to Dorm in Media*



I was coming back from my council meeting that had been arranged for me to make a new restaurant. I entered my hotel suite, getting ready to instantly sleep without any distractions but.... to my ENJOYMENT ( Note sarcasm ) My phone was ringing and while I was personally hoping that it wasn't one of those people that take hours to finish talking, I picked up the phone but much to my pleasure it was just the guy that's been asking me to go to school.....

Nakiri Sanzaemon

I answered the call just to hear his voice booming with impatience and a bit of annoyance... ( I wonder why he's annoyed )

S - Saezemon

C - Chi

S - Come to Totsuki this instant

C - Is there a reason why I must? I told you just 2 days ago that the next time I visit Japan is in 2 years so wait....

S - So I guess you don't want to know about the current situation?

I could practicaly see his smug look...

C - What is it?

S - Well you will just have to come and see.

And with that he hung up

" AGH!" Now I have to go to Japan to see it.. ( Curiosity Kills the cat )

( Time Skip )

3rd POV

So, Chi was infront of Totsuki and decided to get some information from students. She around and found people to ask, but nobody was outside. She was grumpy, annoyed and right now she became Pissed.... Until she heard noises coming from a stadium behind her.

Chi Pov

I was walking towards the door of the stadium just to hear extremely loud screams shouts and cheers.

'I swear if I don't find that man I will purge this entire academy......'

I walked around to find the closest seat to the stage so I could watch but then I caught a glance of the demon himself. ' first target located ' is all I said to myself while sitting down on the nearest chair. I turned to ask the person beside me some questions. She had Blue hair and ponytails. I pulled on her blazer and she looked around but apparently, she didn't see me. I am now on the level of complete and utter annoyance. I sat there with my arms crossed watching the match and waiting for the perfect time to strangle him. While I was plotting death I overheard some say the one thing that I would completely annihilate any chef for...

"Mimasaka is up to his tricks again"


" I wonder what he's taking from him this time "

" He always cheats though "

" True, He just makes the recipe of his opponent better "

' NO, NO, NO..... '

and with that, the last straw was taken away...

I walked onto the stage with my knife in my hand and did the best thing I did today.... point it at Mimasaka.

Author POV

The entire competition stopped..... Everyone was now watching Chi point a knife at Mimasaka. Even Soma took off his headband to see what's going to happen. Mimasaka was saying all the curse words in the book to Chi but she didn't care one bit. "Hey, Nakiri..... SO this is what you called me all the way for?" You could see the Judge sweatdrop but before he could reply " I'm pretty sure it is. I officially expel you from Totsuki Academy for Barbarious reasons..... " The entire crowd was in an uproar and Subaru was Pissed " Who do you think you are? Hmmm.. Little Brat? If it's like that then your also expelled " He began to hover over her small body. Over to were, the judges are, all of them just sat there to enjoy the show. ' She has this under control' Back to Chi.... " You have no permission to sat that or even look at me so \I say once again! You are expelled " She said in a scary yet emotionless attitude while staring him down. " Who does this brat think she is! Listen here kid, I don't take orders from you.. " Chi wanted to get this over with so she took out her Elite Ten Badge and said one thing.

" 1st seat, Chiyako Asuka "

The entire crowd was in shock but little did they know that the Elite ten was watching from the viewers' field.

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