They meet part 1

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(Just put Special Talent as 2 and Curses & Death Traps as 6)

                          Sophie almost shrieked in horror. This sheet of paper, Sophie thought, is for villains only! Not me! Not beautiful princess Sophie! 

Sophie picked up the books and shuddered at the titles. Then Sophie saw a clump of black cloth. Then she realized as she looked around the room, that it was a dress as the uniform! The girls had a black sagging dress, that reminded Sophie of Agatha's black sack. The boys were horrible too. They had a long baggy black shirt and black pants. The clothes looked like they were hand-me-downs from someones great great great great great grandparents.

 As soon as Sophie lifted up her black dress, she shrieked in horror at the sight of it close up. What she didn't realize was that she had shrieked so loud that everyone in the room looked at her. As their eyes bore into her, she heard whispering. 

"Who is that?" 

"Pink dress, blonde hair, no witch." 

"Puny Ever?"

"Definitely an Ever."



Sophie got over her fears and said in the sweetest voice she could muster. "Keep going doing what you're doing, you're embarrassing me with all the attention." At that, the students of Evil picked up their things and kept walking, but constantly sending looks back at her. Looks that told her she didn't belong.

                          After a while, she saw 3 different staircases. They said things like Malice, Vice, and Mischief. Sophie saw that her room was in the Malice Tower room 66. 

My room? Sophie thought. Since when did I think that the school for Evil is my home? My home should be over there! In the nice beautiful tower, of pure Good! 

As she headed up the steps she looked down at the so-called uniform. I'm never wearing this. Sophie looked down at her pink dress. It was dirty from when she was dragged to school. 

At that time she was reminded of Agatha. Poor Agatha. She must be freaking right now. But Sophie didn't know that Agatha was freaking, but maybe not because of the same thing as Sophie. I wonder who that Ally girl was... Suddenly Sophie realized she was lagging behind everybody, so she hurried up the stairs.

                 When Sophie got upstairs she heard the sound of doors slamming. She walked down the hall looking for the number 66. As she walked she found signs on the doors that said things like,

Room 13. Archane, Mona, Kuchma

Room: 20. Lester, Zaotha, Nian

Room 29. Ath, Kyn, Ashlen

                    What odd names. Sophie thought. As she walked she caught a reflection of herself. Even though her dress was dirty it stuck out against that dark hallways.

Still a Princess. Sophie thought.

                  Sophie eventually found #66. Without looking at the names of her new roomies, she took a deep breath and opened the door.


She looked up to hear a voice.

"I told you we get her!" A girl said, sitting on a bed. The girl had dark brown hair with red highlights and pale skin, an evil glint in her eyes. The door slammed shut to reveal another girl. 

The School for Good and Evil: A FanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum