Chris Beck | My crush's friend

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(Y/BF/N)  = Your best friend's name
(Y/C/N) - Your crush's name
"Yes! And today is the day, I shall say goodbye to my happy ever after!" You yelled across the bar. It didn't take too long for people to notice you we're completely drunk. Anyone would have noticed, even some blind person. On the other side, who could blame you? You were completely desperate and you felt like it's the end of the world for you.

"Come on,  (Y/N)... Shut up and sit down." Your best friend said calmly, tapping on the table. She was getting annoyed by your behavior. All she could do was just listen to you, roll her eyes at you and shrug. But that's all you needed, really. Who cared about her opinions, when you knew exactly what she would say? You just needed to talk about your feelings, because that was important right now. You plopped down on your chair, taking another shot.

And what actually happened? Well, let's start with this. Everyone knows that feeling, when someone hot passes by you and attracts their attention. That was okay. But if that someone is suddenly a senior at your university and always smiles dazzingly at you, shit is about to happen! It always starts with a smile, then it's the beautiful nature of that person and when he finally talks to you, fireworks explode throughout your body. Now, voila, a crush was created.

You were always alright watching him from afar. Smile at him, greet him and so on. Such a fairy tale for your heart.

Well, that is until your cousine brought (Y/C/N) home, saying they are dating. At that moment, your bubble cracked. You still had hope, however. You could always steal him away. That's what your heart said, which you should have followed. But no, you followed your reasonable brain, completely busting your chance. Now, he was getting married with your cousine. Well... Tomorrow.

Today was the last day, he was still a free man, but instead of being with him and confessing your feelings to him, you were sitting here, getting drunk with (Y/BF/N). Just perfect.
"You think I should have confessed?" You asked your friend after a while of being silent, staring into space. The alcohol in front of you seemed no longer appealing. It almost looked, you were becoming serious with thinking and sobering up.

"Isn't it too late to ask that? Just move on." (Y/BF/N)  said, sighing resigned. You were hopeless in her eyes. "You had plenty of time to confess (Y/N) and did you do anything? No. Have you ever thought, that there might be a reason why you didn't do that? Maybe there's someone else waiting for you or even better searching for you. Since you seem pretty lost to me." She chuckled.

"Haha... Very funny." You rolled your eyes but then you looked at her with new found hope in your eyes. "You think so?"

"Everything happens for a reason." She winked at you. All you could do just nod and pray.

When you said, you should day goodbye to your happy ever after, yesterday, it actually didn't seem that bad. But wow, your heart was being shred to pieces. Watching those two get married and hearing them both say "I do...", was the most painful thing you had ever gone through.

It was few hours after the ceremony now. The party was on and while everyone was celebrating the new married couple, you were sitting in the corner, eating the wedding cake. If you hadn't drunk yesterday, you might be even drinking but at this moment, it was out of question.

The feeling of being empty was incredibly new to you. If you ever thought how you were empty, then you didn't know what empty meant until today. You were just an egg shell.

"Now... That is life." You sighed, taking another bite of the cake. "At least, this tastes good. Damn..." You hummed, looking around with a boring look on your face. All of a sudden, your attention was grabbed by this very handsome and... Hot... Stranger. 'Oh no... Please... No. Not some crush again... ' Your brain was practically crying right now. And even though, your heart was in pieces, it did skip a beat. That felt so wrong... So, so wrong.

The handsome and hot stranger was heading your direction and suddenly stood right in front of you, smirking softly. He looked fantastic. You, on the other hand, were nomming on the spoon in your mouth, staring at him wide-eyed.

"Hello, is the seat next to you empty." The stranger asked politely. You nodded, remembering that you could talk as well.

"Hello, yes, of course." You replied right away, glancing at other places and almost every seat was empty! Did he just come to you? Your best friend's words rang in your head 'Maybe there's someone else waiting for you or even better searching for you.'

Could it be? So quickly?

"My name is Chris. Chris Beck." He introduced himself, reaching his hand out to you.

"(Y/F/N) (Y/L/N). Nice to meet you." You accepted his hand, smiling softly. But the smile didn't reach your eyes quite yet.

"Oh no, the pleasure is on my side." Chris grinned.
As you were looking at him, you couldn't help but be reminded of someone. You knew him from somewhere. But where did you see him before?

"You look really beautiful up close. It was always kind of torture to look at you from afar." He said all of a sudden, looking at you. This statement startled you. He knew you too?

"Sorry?" You asked politely, tilting your head, confused. Oh God, he was so familiar. Just where did you see him?
Chris just laughed a little at your confusion, but just like your smile, his didn't reach his eyes. For some reason, it was right then, you remembered him.

"You are the handsome nerd everyone was talking about." You stated, taking him by surprise.

"Well, that's a way to remember me as well." He chuckled, running hand through his hair. "I was also known as that guy's friend." He pointed at (Y/C/N).

Of course, with the memory of this guy, you made a conclusion. You had actually talked a lot with Beck at school. But never really payed attention. And now... Just look at him!

"Yeah, that much I can remember." You agreed, sighing, but never looking at the direction he was pointing at.
"But seeing, how far we got, even I might get a chance." He stated, smiling brightly.

"A chance?" You raised your brows, not really getting his point.

"I was always in his shadows, crushing on you from afar. Plus, I didn't have the courage to come up to you, when you had crush on him..." He paused a little, looking at the wide-eyed you. "But now, we are grown up adults. No longer in the university and I finally have a chance to ask you on a date. I know that this is too rushed. You had just given up on your crush, but here I am asking you out. Maybe, it's time to move onto another page..." He licked his lips nervously.

"What do you think?"

"I think... " you paused just to look right into his eyes. "You might be right." You smiled.
He was right, time to move onto another page.


Hello~ Here I am with another imagine :3 This one was just a quick, quite random idea, so I hope you liked it.
With my other idea, I talked about, I will make sure to write it, I just need to do few things first - like writing one imagine for every Seb's character, so it's equal (I just have the need. I know weird :D). I need to think of concepts for every character with the same line. And I need to make time for this and studying. But I will make sure to post as much as possible. ;)
~ Carol

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