Jefersson | Family again

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Hello guys, here's another imagine. I just want to apologize, if there will be something weird with the plot. I watched OUAT some time ago, so I don't remember many things. Also, this is kinda short, but it's not very easy to write on my phone. XD I hope you enjoy~


"Oh my God... " you squeked shocked, looking at the person at the door. "What were you doing?" You helped him inside to the couch. You didn't forget the stern look, because you knew, whatever he was doing, was probably something stupid.

"I just... got an stupid idea... "He rambled, wincing at the pain. He had broken some of his ribs by the fall of the window. He knew you would disapprove, if he told you, but he needed something to be done.

"Why am I not surprised?" You asked, signing, looking for visible injuries. There were many of them actually. Look of concern fell upon your face. "Will it get you into a trouble?" You whispered, feeling bad already.

"Possibly." He said raspily because of the pain. Well at least he was honest with you.

You knew why he was acting like this at times. It was Jefferson. The one, who was cursed to remember it all. At first, when he tried to talk to you and explain everything what happened in Enchanted forest and Storybrooke, you thought he was mad. Then it hit you, the Mad hatter, Jefferson. Desperate to break the curse, casted by Regina. He needed to see his daughter, Grace. No... Your daughter Grace. Of course, you thought he was completely insane, claiming you we're his wife and then you somehow disappeared. It all sounded crazy. Not real at all.

You decided to believe him, however, when for 28 years, there was only Henry aging, the son of Regina, well, no, Emma. Everything was entangling, when Emma arrived in the city. Everyone looked like they woke up from a long dream.

You had an idea, what had Jeffy done. You couldn't blame him, but you still could scold him. You didn't know what happened in Enchanted forest for you to disappear, but you we're her now.

You stood up from your sitting position at the couch and went to take a cloth with water. He looked terrible.
"Let me clean you... " you said softly to him, gently wiping his face. His eyes were on your face, not blinking.
"You were taken away...." Jefferson suddenly said, which made you stop your motion of cleaning his face to look at him.

"What?" You asked, slightly confused and continued cleaning his face. You needed answers to your questions. He wasn't telling you everything from the beginning for some reason and you didn't push him, but you wouldn't stop asking yourself, what happened. You wanted explanation.

"You were taken away by that frogy bastard because you we're distracting me from work that needed to be done. I never stopped looking for you, I never lost hope that you were alive, even though him and Regina were saying the opposite." He licked his lips, reaching his hand to your cheek to touch it. Only his fingertips touched it, almost like he was scared of hurting you by the mere touch.

Unconsciously, you leaned into the touch, closing your eyes. It was so familiar feeling. You could feel tears building up in your eyes.

"You never stopped looking?" You whispered, opening your eyes to look into his.

"Never." He shaked his head slowly. "I wanted our family back together. But as soon, as I found you, I lost Grace." His voice broke.

"I'm so sorry." You said, first tear falling down your cheek, followed by others. "We will get her back. I promise you... " you said, sniffling.

Jefferson smiled. The smile was genuine, sincere. Not like those creepy ones. This one was full of love. "I love you."
Those three words triggered something in you. He never actually confessed his love for you. He was being careful with this, even though, he tried to pull other strings. This was a whole new experience.

You smiled, nodding and pressed your lips gently against his. You were going to be family again.

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