•Chapter 1•

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Third person P.o.v

  It wasn't a bright day as such, more mild than anything. In a high school in a popular city, there was a very loud classroom, it seems as though there was currently no teacher so quite a lot of people were messing around. While all the ruckus from the young adults was going on, a small 'group' sat at their table, talking casually. The group seemed to consist of a boy and a girl, with a mix of creatures and humans. A young man by the name of Joshua seemed to be apart of this group, chatting while also writing what seems to be notes or ideas into a pale red notebook. Next to him sat a small girl by the name of Lotus. She seemed to be chatting to the boy and pointing out things to the young man while occasionally taking glances at him. By the way that they were interacting it seemed that they were quite close in terms of friendship, but you never know do you?

Lotus's P.o.v

It was morning time, just before school, or registration class I guess.. anyway, I was sitting next to Joshua while he is writing in that cute notebook, Ive never actually known what he really uses it for. He says that he uses it for writing and for making music, but I know that he like photography more as a hobby.. I never question it though, out of fear I guess. He had asked me if I could help him with correcting some of his grammar mistakes in the idea he is writing, I think it might be for an essay in another class, I think it's history. After a while the teacher came into the room, making most of the loud people shut up... thankfully. I swear some people are so childish. He goes and sits at his desk and starts to boot up his computer while also telling those who didn't become quiet when he came into the room to be quiet. His name is Mr.Hopper, quite fitting for his past career anyway, he's a around 40 year old male with a bald head and some stubble around his face. He's a kind man and if you do something or forget to hand in something he gives you chances before he tells you off probably, it's pretty sweet. Anyways, Joshua, who is my best friend and... maybe kind of crush but I'm still unsure! I mean you never really know, anyway he's a relatively tall boy, kinda quiet but he is pretty and handsome... well to me but I don't really know the opinions of others. Whatever. He is a really nice guy and stuff, he does sometimes get made fun of though... I mean that's kinda what happens when your at a school with more humans than unnatural's. Oh yeah... I forgot to mention he's one of them. He did tell me but never mention what exactly he is, which is curious in its own right and with the added plus of him never talking about his private life or home life. I might ask him at one point but I don't want to intrude in his business I guess. Oh it seems he's finished writing. As the teacher calls out the register I don't really process it.. that is until I get a nudge in my side. Ouch. I turn to see Joshua motioning his head at the teacher.. what??? Oh wait...
" oh! Sorry! Uhm here.." I say.
I can hear some girls snickering near me, um bitch rude. A while later the bell rings and we pick up our bags and head to our first class... I start to collect my stuff slowly and I look to see that Joshua is waiting busy the door for me.
" come on Lo, we don't have all morning. We do have to attend class whether we like it or not..sadly" he says.
" ah I know I know! It's just you know that includes the cursed activity of walking down those stairs, I feel like it's leading us down to hell I swear.."
He chuckles lightly as we start to walk slowly but surely to our next class " I know you hate sports but that a bit much.. but yeah it does feel that sometimes huh?"
awe grow silent as we continue are way to the first class, which happens to be geography. Once we get there we take our seats and then all the usual boring stuff happens, come onnnn can class just start already it's boring as it is! I don't know why but I just really despise geography, not my thing with all the weather and shit I guess. Class is about to start until we get a knock on the door...

- dun dun yeah that was the first chapter! I know no one is gonna really read this but I thought it was cool to make i guess. Ahh if anyone has questions ask ?? Ahh I don't know I'm new to this...
~ Shua🍁

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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