The Confrontation

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A/N: ^ my gif  ^

In Logan PoV: My thoughts were interrupted by roaring engines again. Why are they coming back? I questioned Looking through the window, multiple black SUV were racing this way, some with machine guns attached to them.

"Fuck, Fuuuck" I yelled.


That evening....

Your PoV

I put the last 3 one gasoline bottles in the trunk of the Camaro. "You guys eat so much! If I wasn't backed up by Stark, I would be broke right now!" I stated. I heard a chuckled through the radio. Rolling my eyes, I went to the supermarket. Thanks to Pietro,we, humans were also running out of food, well, as close to humans as that could be.

Looking through the aisles, I found a few packets of pasta. I started walking away. Too absorbed in my thoughts, I walked straight into a blonde man, making me drop my food to the floor.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I said rather quickly whilst kneeling down to pick up my food. Hearing a chuckle, I felt him kneeling down next to me, helping me pick my things up. I observed his movements. They were very calculated, which was odd. I then see his right arm reaching for my packet of pasta and he had a robotic arm. Taken aback, I looked back at him.  He showed no emotion but his eyes studied me curiously. After a few minutes of awkward silence, I cleared my throat "Um.. Thank you! And sorry for bumping into you!" Smiling at me he handed me the packet back saying "Don' worry 'bout it! If you hadn't I wouldn't have met a beautiful gal like yourself!"

Blushing, I looked at the ground and shyly back at him "Thank you" I whispered. He smirked and began walking away, still facing me. "It's ma pleasure" He told me, winking.

Turning away from me, he mumbled "See you soon" under his breath.

Looking back, shocked and confused, I hurriedly payed for the food and left. My car was waiting for me. Putting the groceries in the trunk, I got in and sped off.

 Putting the groceries in the trunk, I got in and sped off

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Donald PoV

Well wasn't that a pretty sight, I thought to myself. It would be such a shame if Rice would find her on the radar and instruct us to go get her. 

We're getting paid big money for this, why should I care?

Looking at her driving away, She is pretty though! I thought. Sighing, I got into my truck and waited, waited for something to happen. 


Picking up my walkie talkie, I answered "I'm here"

"We have found the Wolverine, the telepath and the girl!" He informed me.

"Good, there are also two other mutes that know 'bout the Wolverine, be on your guard!"

"Yes Boss!"

"I'm on ma way" I stated then turned my device off. Starting the engine, I drove away.

The Rise Of A Warrior *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now