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Pic of Xavier Above

I sit under this big tree that's like at  the side of the school but at the front if that makes sense. Anyways I pull my IPhone and earphones out of my bag and put on the song 'Scars' by Allison Iraheta. I close my eyes and as I sing along I feel a presence in front of me. I open my green eyes and to be met with gorgeous blue ones. I quickly pull my earphones out. "Why did you run away from me?" Xavier questions while he tilts his head to the side. "I... Umm... because I had to go to class so I wasn't late but of cause I was, and I ran away just then because well, because you scare me," I replied. Then he fricken growls like what the fuck. Then his face softens "I would never hurt you little one," he says kindly. "I fucken knew it, your like every other piece of shit on this planet!" I scream, "Okay let's get this straight I am short I know that you don't have to point it out," I say it slowly like he is stupid. Oh shit he looks mad!

Authors Note

I am so sorry that it is short  


Love you all Lysandra!

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2018 ⏰

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