Chapter 30: Suspicion awakens

Start from the beginning

Alexander only gave him a questioning look, "What?"

To the reply, Ezra shook his head, "I know you're thinking of something. What is it, Alexander?"

The boy shrugged and said, "Nothing."

Ezra took a sip off his cup, "You know you can tell me anything."

"I know that," Hunter said with a sigh, "May I ask you something, Dad?"

"Sure," Ezra answered readily.

"Do you hate kids?"

Ezra's eyebrow lifted, only to answer the question with a wheeze, "Why, I most certainly do not hate you."

The boy took a bite of his toast, and drank a mouthful of milk to down it. As he finished swallowing, he said, "That's not what I'm asking about. And," Hunter added sharply with a glare towards his father, "I'm not a kid."

"Really?" Ezra asked, eyebrow still arched. He puts on a face that says 'Well, if you say so.' Hunter was so easy to rile up; like a flare, he retorts back just as hotly- ill or not. Once a Gryffindor, Ezra thought, always a Gryffindor.

To this, Hunter bit his inner cheek, "Yeah, well, that was a stupid question. Nevermind."

Ezra only gave his son another short look and went back to his reading.

A few moments later of silence, Hunter sighed. Ezra looked up from his book and went back to it the moment Hunter did not seem to do anything.

A few more moments and Hunter sighed again, deeper than the last.

Ezra shook his head. What now?

"Hunter," Ezra said with reprimand in his voice.

The boy looked at him and smiled slightly.

But Ezra was not swayed. He gave off a slight frown, "Stop sighing. It is making me uncomfortable, as you well know."

Again, his son nodded mutely with a smile. Assured, Ezra went back to his reading. But not before long, Hunter sighed again.

"Alex, are you sure you are fine?" Ezra's brow creased in worry for his son. The cannula on the boy's nose was not bothering him, right? Was Hunter out of breath again? Did them going to therapy at the hospital tired the frail boy out? Hunter does not seem to be pale, nor did his lips turn blue.

Another sigh. Ezra was being driven mad by his son's incessant sighing.

"Alex, please- what is it?"

Hunter snapped out of his reverie, turned to his father and bit his inner cheek, again. He was dreadfully bored; it did not help that Alice was taking the day off. Ezra deserved a rest, in the company of his books. Hunter wanted to do something, anything! But his Dad does not want him to be tired. Hunter does not feel like reading. He wanted to do something else.

"Does anything hurt?" Ezra asked again, and Hunter shook his head.

"Alright," Ezra put the book down and faced his child, "tell me, will you? It is simply making me mad, Alex!"

Hunter was about to sigh again, but a stern look from Ezra halted it. Hunter bit his lower lip instead.

"I'm..." Hunter began, but he shifted from foot to foot, darting his eyes around the house. He doesn't want to bother Ezra! Never!

"Alex, please--"

"Alright, I'm sorry! I'm just... Bored, is all. Sorry."

It was Ezra's turn to sigh. Dear God, must Alex be always hesitant to tell him things?

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