Taiream: A Daisy Chain?

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A/N: This is an alternate dimension where the universe is on the verge of war. Eggmans troops are powerful and are beginning to overpower the resistance. Also, sorry for the sucky and depressing chapter,
Normal P.O.V.

Tails was sitting in his workshop working on a weapon. Ever since the war had started, even is he was only 15, he was instructed to make tons of weapons a day. Soon, a small rabbit came in the door.

"Cream!" Tails yelled, running to hug her.

They hugged each other tight, not daring to let go. Cream then pulled away.

"Tails, can we go outside?" Cream asked.

Tails had a huge mountain of work to do, but he would do anything for Cream.

"Sure." Tails answered.

They walked out the back door.

"I meant into the forest." Cream told him, pointing towards the forest.

"Oh alright." Tails said.

They walked into the forest and sat down in a clearing.

"Do you really think there is gonna be a war?" Cream asked him.

"No, I think we are going to make daisy chains and talk about our feelings." Tails answered sarcastically.

Cream looked sad.

"I'm sorry, but it's the truth. I want peace just as much as you, but it doesn't look like it'll happen." Tails told her.

Cream frowned then quickly smiled again, she didn't like frowning.

"I brought you something. My mom was making them and I took one for you." Cream said handing him a bag of cookies.

"Aww, thanks Cream!" Tails answered hugging her and taking the bag. He shoved one in his mouth, he hadn't tasted anything this sweet since well, years ago!

Cream took one and bit it slowly. Tails looked at her and noticed fear in her eyes. He grabbed a handful of flowers behind him and turned around.

"What are you doing?" Cream asked.

"Wait a second." Tails replied.

Tails turned around holding a daisy chain in his hand. He placed it on Creams head. Cream giggled.

"Thanks." Cream giggled.

They continued to play together having the time of their lives.

-=+=-2 years later-=+=-

Cream sat at her kitchen table when Tails came downstairs.

"Well, I've been drafted." Tails announced, putting a letter on the table.

"NO!! You can't go!" Cream yelled bursting into tears.

The war had gone full on, people were getting drafted daily to come.

"I have to." Tails told her.

Cream was crying and a few tears were sliding down Tails' cheek. He hated to make Cream so sad.

"Don't worry, I'll be back!" Tails assured her.

"I'm coming with you." Announced Cream.

"No, you're not." Tails said firmly.

"Yes I am!" Cream yelled running upstairs to grab her bag which she kept packed at all times.

Tails knew he wouldn't be able to convince Cream otherwise.

"Let's go." He sighed.

They left towards the battlefield.

-=+=-At the battle-=+=-

Tails was on the front line while Cream was back in the tent, nursing soldiers. She was walking onto the battlefield when she saw Tails. She ran towards him only to see a bullet fly through his chest. Cream broke down in sobs and dragged him to the healing tent.

"Tails? Please wake up!" She whispered.

Tails was lying stiff on the bed. Cream had patched up his wound but he was covered in blood.

"Tails, please! Please!" Cream cried.

She was sobbing when she though she saw Tails move. She looked closer and realized it was only her imagination. She blew her nose and looked back at Tails. He looked so peaceful. She put her head to his chest and heard a faint pitter patter of his heart, when it sudenlly stopped. Cream cried a bit then realized he had died. Right here in her arms. Cream reached towards his gun and took it from him.

"Goodbye, and I can be reunited with my love." Cream whispered.

She stood right over Tails and sent a shot through her chest. Pain pulled through her. She screamed, then fell limp onto Tails chest. Looking happy and peaceful.

A/N: This was originally going to be a really happy chapter, then I got really stressed over my French unit test and this depressing thing happened.

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