The Looming Threat

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Ban's P.O.V.

I'm inside the castle now where the dungeons are looking for (y/n), but I can't find her

'She should be down here, she told me herself, unless they moved her somewhere else'

All of a sudden I hear Hawk's voice 

'Am I hearing things now?'

"Heloooo is anybody here? (y/n)?" I hear Hawks voice closer

"Hawk?" I ask

"Ban? Is that you?" I then hear rapid running and then Hawk was there

"Where's (y/n)?" I ask Hawk

"I don't know some lady with magic transported me somewhere, but I found my way out and came here looking for (y/n)" Hawk explains

"Okay lets go looking for her then" I say as I keep walking forward

Your P.O.V.

"Are you afraid for someone?" I hear the King say to me

"I'm just anxious because i'm here doing  nothing because i'm trapped in this magical barrier cube that won't let me out, when I came be out there helping my teammates and my brother and my mate, but I know they'll get through and rescue me" I tell him 

"That's good, it seems we'll be separated once they come" The king says

"What do you mean?" I ask

"I can see into the future and I see a person with a crimson boar symbol saving me from my illness" The king says

'Crimson Boar huh? that must be Merlin the Boar sin'

Meliodas P.O.V.

Merlin was currently interrogating the mage on (y/n)'s whereabouts, but of course she said where "Elizabeth" was

"Vivian, tell me where princess Elizabeth is" Merlin asks

"She's in the King's room" She struggles to say 

Merlin then lets go of her magic on her and the mage named Vivian falls to the floor

"There you go" Merlin says turning to me

"Hey she's running off, shouldn't we-" Arthur says but I cut him off

"Forget her, for right now we need to focus on rescuing 'Elizabeth' " I say

"Then its time to get a move on" Merlin says as she snaps her fingers and we were transported outside of the King's bedroom doors

"Where are we?" I say acting like I don't know where we are 

"We're in front of my father's room" Princess Margaret says

"I tried teleporting us inside, but got deflected, the handiwork of my disgraceful ex-disciple" Merlin says

"Alright, take a few steps back guys" I say as I stretch my arm to knock down the doors

"Wait, hang on a second captain. Even with your powers, you couldn't breach this barrier. It's the perfect cube. A spell from the demon world that can deflect any kind of power, regardless of its magnitude"Merlin says as Gilthunder tries to open the door but gets shocked instead

I see Merlin walk to the door and she puts both her hands on the doors and opens it with ease

"How'd you get rid of the spell like that?" I ask

"Using Absolute Cancel, I cut off my disciple and the spell cast over this room" Merlin explains

I look inside the room and I see the illusion of Elizabeth standing next to the King

The Eighth Deadly Sin, The Sin of Forgetfulness, The Wolf Sin, (Your name)Where stories live. Discover now