The Poem of Beginnings

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~~Continuing with Ban~~

"Hehe, you really that sad to see me go~" ban smiles 

"It appears you haven't learned anything in your five years here, seven deadly sins, Fox Sin. No matter how strong you think you are. You are completely powerless before Jude." The Holy Knight says as he pushes the sword deeper into ban

"Augh" Ban coughs out blood

~~Back to you and Meliodas~~

*Bam* *Bam* *Bam*

That's all you hear as Diane and Meliodas fight

I overhear them say that they were Holy Knights

'Someone is making them into illusions of a Holy Knight so they will fight each other'

I run up to the both of them and say, "Stop this right now! They're just illusions!"

Meliodas and Diane's eyes go back to normal

"(Y/N) what are you doing here?" Diane says confused

"*Sigh* I didn't sign up for this" I say as I lower my head

"Captain your here? Where's that Holy Knight?" she says confused

"Uh? Hey you're right" Meliodas says

'Alright this is the perfect opportunity for me to find that Holy Knight in disguise'

All of a sudden a kid burst through the trees and runs up to Diane and says, "Hey big lady are you alright?"

"Hey kid you're still here" She says as she bends down a little

"Yea" The kid says as he bends a little and his bell jingles a little 

Diane's eyes then go back to that hypnotic state and that's when I realize that the kid is the Holy Knight in disguise 

Same thing happens to Meliodas as the bell jingles again

I take this moment now that the boy is distracted to do a sneak attack

I hit the kid with my demon magic and it knocks him out. I grab the staff and rip out the bell

Meliodas and Diane stop fighting and go back to there normal selves 

"Wow looks like one of the weirdfangs were defeated by a mere mage" A voice says as they appear in a bug armor?

"Lets see if you can handle this, Stormranda!" A sworn of beetles head towards me and surround me and cutting me

"AHHHHHHHH" I scream from all the cuts i'm getting

"(Y/N)!" I hear Meliodas scream

I'm so close to blacking out from the pain, but then this overwhelming surge of power enveloped me and burst.

I was surrounded by a bright white light and Dark Purple light.

All the beetles died from my burst of magic

The Holy Knight was standing there star-strucked at what she was seeing 

I took that opportunity to attack her and I did with my Goddess/Demon power

All of a sudden the other holy knight I knocked out was back and was kicking me 

I felt so tired I didn't do anything and just let him kick me

The last thing  I saw was Meliodas rushing towards me.

Meliodas P.O.V.

Me and Diane stop fighting and go back to our normal selves

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